[Cisl-comunidade] SmartDataCenter and Manta are now open source - Blog - Joyent

Lucas Alberto Souza Santos lucas-alberto.santos em serpro.gov.br
Sexta Novembro 7 11:47:34 BRST 2014

São as tecnologias da próxima geração de sistemas web.

Dentre as diversas novidades em SL deste lançamento, gostei disso aqui: 
"Manatee is a ZooKeeper-based system that manages Postgres replication and automates failover"


Lucas Alberto S. Santos
SERPRO - Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados
Divisão de Desenvolvimento Projeto Cidades Digitais - CEAGO/COSES/COSLI/CODEC
(51)21291169 / (51)93395850

Em 07/11/2014 10:05:41, Andre Felipe Machado escreveu:
> Olá,
> Joyent, os criadores do > Node.js> , abriram o código do > SmartDataCenter>  e do > Manta Distributed Object Storage
> https://www.joyent.com/blog/sdc-and-manta-are-now-open-source> 

> "SmartDataCenter 7 is a complete private cloud management platform, optimized to deliver next generation, > container-based IaaS>  in your data center. "
> Orquestração de SmartOS Illumos Zones e outros sistemas operacionais via KVM, tecnologia de > virtualização light>  por > containers>  em produção desde 2005 com o Solaris Zones.
> "Joyent Manta is a highly scalable, distributed object storage service with integrated compute (on Zones over ZFS). 
>  Developers can store and process any amount of data at any time where a simple web API call replaces the need for spinning up instances.
>  Joyent Manta Compute is a complete and high performance compute environment including R, Python, node.js, Perl, Ruby, Java, C/C++, > PHP> , ffmpeg, grep, awk and others.
>  Metering is by the second with zero provisioning, data movement or scheduling latency costs."
> Node.js executando numa Zone sobre SmartOS Illumos tem alto desempenho.
> SmartOS LAMP Install example
> http://petermcmillan.com/node/111
> Boa sorte.
> -- 
> André Felipe Machado
> As Lou Gerstner, former Chairman 
and CEO of IBM, observed: 'I came to see, in my time at IBM that culture
 isn’t just one aspect of the game; it *IS* the game.'
> -------------> 


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