[enec-l] ❣couldn't imagine something like that

zaparolli zaparolli em vetorial.net
Segunda Junho 12 03:27:10 BRT 2017

Dear friend! 

I could never imagine something like that! Just take a look https://clck.ru/BGf4H

Very truly yours, zaparolli

From: enec-l [mailto:enec-l em listas.softwarelivre.org]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 1:27 AM
To: zaparolli em vetorial.net
Subject: Aww, there there! :)

Having sex is not a direct consequence of going on a date. 

Biology and  millions of  years of evolution dictate that pregnancy is a direct result of having sex. 

You're idealistic and it would be fantastic  if the world  worked the way you think  it does but it doesn't. The only absolute way to avoid  a pregnancy is  to avoid sex.  

I'm a  huge fan of sex. It's brilliant. I love it. But never in the  26 years I've been having sex  did I  not  accept  that getting  pregnant was  a risk I was  taking. In my opinion the risk was  worth it. But it was always a risk and to argue that it's  not is simply naive.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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