[gt-educacao] pesquisa recente do MIT sobre open source

Ana Cristina Fricke Matte acris em textolivre.org
Sábado Setembro 15 13:12:17 BRT 2012

Eu cheguei a responder esse questionário, quando foi encaminhado aos
usuários do Sourceforge, onde mantemos os repositórios do Texto Livre, mas
não imaginava que iriam liberar a pesquisa inteira assim...
Claro que o pessoal tá vendendo livro... mas alguns resultados podem ser
vistos na página do projeto e quando o Sourceforge compartilhar algumas
conclusões do livro, que prometem abaixo, repasso a vocês de novo.
Mas, para quem faz pesquisa ou tem curiosidades outras, tem um dado bem
legal: eles disponibilizaram a planilha (em csv) com todas as respostas,
para quem quiser fazer suas próprias análises. Todos os links estão abaixo.

*Internet Success: A Study of Open-Source Software Commons -- MIT Press*

Several years ago, researchers Charlie Schweik and Bob English, and their
team at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, conducted a survey
of SourceForge developers to answer the question of what makes some Open
Source projects successful, while others are abandoned.

While this question has certainly been asked before, their research
constitutes the first large-scale empirical study to look at social,
technical, and institutional aspects of OSS, to address this question.

The survey went to over 50,000 of you, and over 1,400 of you actually
responded, representing a broad cross-section of SourceForge projects. Take
a look at the original
and if you want to do your own analysis, you can access the survey results

The book looks at over 40 factors that, based on earlier academic research,
the authors thought might be important for OSS project success. These
include everything from technical factors like OS and programming language
to governance factors like software license, and social factors such as
whether the developers of the project are geographically co-located, or
spread across multiple continents and time zones.

Charlie and Bob want to thank you, the SourceForge community, for donating
your valuable time to completing the survey and making their research
possible. You can read the data they collected, as well as notes on their
research methodology, on their
you can buy the entire
book on Amazon<http://newsletter.sourceforge.net/c.html?ufl=9&rtr=on&s=x8pb08,169uz,10s8,li1b,8vbk,djdx,bxjg>.
We're looking forward to reading more about their conclusions, and sharing
some of those conclusions with you once our copy of the book arrives.
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