[gt-educacao] [PSL-Brasil] Fwd: [SFD-discuss] Education Freedom Day CelebrationsJanuary 18, 2014

fabianne balvedi fabs em estudiolivre.org
Quinta Novembro 28 16:04:14 BRST 2013

copio também o pessoal do GT-educação para ajudar a opinar sobre as
possíveis datas.



On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Klaibson Ribeiro <maffei em riseup.net> wrote:
> Opa.
> Minha idéia era realizar em fevereiro, cono um evento de abertura do ano letivo.
> Um abraço.
> Paulo Henrique Santana <phls00 em gmail.com> escreveu:
>>Em 27 de novembro de 2013 15:14, Klaibson Ribeiro <maffei em riseup.net> escreveu:
>>> Opa.
>>> Pode ser aberta uma excessão para o Brasil e realizarmos em Fevereiro.
>>Oi Klaibson, veja a mensagem do Fred sobre esse assunto. Ele não vê
>>problema em mudar a data aqui, e perguntou se temos alguma ideia de
>>ajustar as datas no futuro.
>>Thanks for raising the issue. We unfortunately don't have a ready made
>>answer to that problem but we can provide a few hints for this year and
>>see how we can pick a better date for the celebration next year:
>>- as with all the event the final date for YOUR event is really YOUR
>>choice and what works for you. This year we're having a team celebrating
>>SFD on November 30th, because that's what worked for them... Hopefully
>>you can find a good date for yourself.
>>- for the upcoming years we have 4 celebrations (CFD, EFD, HFD and SFD).
>>Logically it would be one every quarter and we'd be fine but... SFD is
>>on September and somehow now going to change (more on this later).
>>December seems a difficult month to do things because of the nearby
>>Christmas celebration, so next available month seemed to be January (we
>>have Chinese New Year in the way, but living in China we can deal with
>>that when it happens). July and August and usually summer holidays for
>>the northern hemisphere (maybe August more) keeping those 2 months off
>>the celebration calendar. So in fact it would seem like CFD, EFD and HFD
>>need to be organized between January and June. June is not good for
>>neither CFD nor EFD: there is a (Mainly French but it's spreading and
>>it's old) "Music celebration" is June and we wouldn't want CFD to be
>>celebrated at the same date as it'd bring confusion between Music (Free
>>or not) and Free Culture, dissolving the focus.
>>March is also a tricky month because of DFD and, as we've found out
>>after deciding for EFD, the Open Education Week
>>(http://www.openeducationweek.org/ ). Having something somewhat less
>>related like HFD during the same rough time is however acceptable. Of
>>course we could maybe do HFD, CFD and then EFD. I wonder how EFD would
>>fare in May/June though, when all the northern hemisphere is either
>>trying to finish their curriculum before the exam, preparing for the
>>exam or... gone away from school ;-)
>>Now with all this is mind how would you think of a better approach to
>>our scheduling?
>>Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
>>Tim  (41) 9638-1897
>>GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450
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