[Landell] SLTV on Arch

Luciana Fujii luciana at fujii.eti.br
Mon Aug 17 17:54:35 BRT 2015

Hi Alfrex,

On 16/08/15 22:12, Alfrex wrote:
> Hi, I am a user of Landell (sltv) on Manjaro Linux (Arch based), but now
> that AUR changed to git can't find SLTV, tried install from source but I
> get error "No module named 'gobject'", then install python-gobject2 but
> then get error "No module named 'gtk'".

You need to install all the dependencies. This error means you have to
install gtk+, and probably a bunch of other packages, such as
libgstreamer and gstreamer-plugins-base.


Luciana Fujii

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