Re: [OT] Meritocracia (ERA: Importância de reunião síncrona)

Bráulio Bhavamitra braulio at
Tue Oct 8 16:56:47 BRT 2013

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Lucas Melo <lucas at> wrote:

>  On 10/08/2013 03:22 PM, daniel tygel wrote:
> Uma pergunta, só para saber:
> O que é mérito? linhas de código?
>  Claro que não! É, como dito no trecho transcrito da Wikipédia, um
> conceito difuso.
Sim, isto seria uma análise puramente quantitativa e zero qualitativa.

> Gosto destas linhas no wikipedia (
> ):
> *The primary concern with meritocracy is the unclear definition of
> "merit".**[41] <>**Different people often have their own standards of merit, thus raising the
> question of which "merit" has the best merits—or in other words—which
> standard is the "best" standard. *
> *Another concern is the reliability of people who measure merit. For e.g.
> academic grades are given by people who do have opinions, and can be biased
> or inefficient. If the system is corrupt or non-transparent, decisions on
> who has merit will be flawed.*
> * *
> *Meritocracy also has been criticized by **egalitarians<>
> ** as a mere myth, which serves only to justify the **status quo<>
> **, with its proponents only giving lip service to equality.**[42]<>
> ** In the words of sociologist Laurie Taylor:**[42]<>
> *
> * *
> *The hideous thing about meritocracy is it tells you that if you’ve given
> life your all and haven’t got to the top you’re thick or stupid.
> Previously, at least, you could always just blame the class system.*
> * *
> *Another concern regards the principle of incompetence, or the "**Peter
> Principle <>**". As people
> rise in a meritocratic society through the corporate ladder, they reach,
> and become stuck, at the first level of what they are unable to do.*
> * *
> *Other concerns for the validity of a merit-based system have arisen from
> studies in psychology, sociology, and neuroscience. Given the proposition
> that a person's life prospects should not be decided by factors outside of
> one's control or, for which a person cannot claim personal credit (i.e.,
> social status, inherited wealth, race, and other accidents of birth) a
> meritocracy proposes a system where people are rewarded based on their
> efforts, and if everyone can start on equal footing with the same
> opportunity to advance, then the results are just. However, some studies
> have shown that even our motivation, work ethic, and conscientious drive
> is, in fact, outside of our control and can be affected by such arbitrary
> factors as birth order. Children who are first in birth order tend to aim
> at goals that reference their own past level of mastery, while secondborns
> tend to aim at goals based on other-referenced expectations and competence
> standards.**[43] <>**Therefore, a system which rewards effort in this way is not completely
> just, because effort and hard work is not something we can claim complete
> credit for.*
> * *
> *By definition, the principle of meritocracy could not be effective in a
> non-competitive society or environment.**[44]<>
> *
> Estamos num ambiente de concorrência entre nós ou de construção coletiva?
> Onde tem construção coletiva, e não concorrência, é melhor a democracia.
> Funciona.
>  Se você notar no mesmo artigo, muitos projetos de free software
> importantes consideram-se meritocráticos.
> Em nosso contexto, possui utilidade prática e os males de seu uso ainda
> precisam ser comprovados devidamente. Talvez pela própria natureza do
> trabalho e o enfoque nos resultados, seja este jeito o mais adequado.
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