AI2907 - proposed and merged... but what is it?

daniel tygel dtygel at
Wed Mar 26 05:38:01 BRT 2014

AI 2907, november 2013. Title: "Parse raw html block content to display 
profile identifier". Description: "Describe your feature here, in 
general terms (you'll probably want to write your user story here)". 
Merge request on November 2013:

Well. I didn't understand it, so I went to the code link (I'm not a 
ruby/noosfero developer). And there the code is presented like this: 
"Parse raw html block content to display profile identifier. More 
details in:". No, there 
are no more details there. I'm coming from there!

Then, Joenio asked that this should be a plugin.... he sends a patch.... 
and then merges (was the plugin patch merged? or the core proposal 

Done. (What? What for?)




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     `-' ' `' `-^          Tecnologia para       Autogestão

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