Avoiding 503 proxy errors upon server restart

Bráulio Bhavamitra braulio at eita.org.br
Thu Aug 15 09:31:46 BRT 2013

These errors happens more when the proxy and the backend are not
located on the same local network or server.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Bráulio Bhavamitra <braulio at eita.org.br> wrote:
> Hello all,
> One way to increase uptime to final noosfero users is to make apache proxy balancer keeps retrying after a server restart. To do so, I've some solutions pasted below.
> Basically the solution is to set a proxy=0 and maxattempts=1000 to the rewriterule condition for the proxy balancer.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11868988/apache-proxy-load-balancing-backend-server-failure-detection
> http://serverfault.com/questions/503531/apache2-proxy-tomcat6-prevent-503-error-while-starting/503539#503539
> This might be the recommended and default apache configuration. If it is so, I can make a merge request to the INSTALL and etc files.
> best regards,
> bráulio
> --
> "Lute pela sua ideologia. Seja um com sua ideologia. Viva pela sua ideologia. Morra por sua ideologia" P.R. Sarkar
> EITA - Educação, Informação e Tecnologias para Autogestão
> http://cirandas.net/brauliobo
> http://eita.org.br

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