0.46.0 Released!

Rodrigo Souto rodrigo at colivre.coop.br
Mon Feb 10 22:59:55 BRST 2014

Hello everyone,

Today we finally released 0.46.0. After a month of freeze with review
and bugfixes it's good to go. This version has many new features, lots
of them through plugins, which is nice! I encourage all of you to read
the release notes to discover some of these features.

Although we decided to start using transifex as our official translation
platform from this release, I'm postponing it to the next one (0.47.0)
since I discovered it strips the fuzzy translations from the po. I'm not
sure how bad this is so I'll take the time to discuss the matter with
the community so that we may come to a decision with less rush.

Since we are still in a fast pace of development, I'm keeping the
current cycle size of 2 months, as it was this release, instead of 3 as
initially proposed. Therefore today we start 0.47.0 and here it is its

|  *Date*  |  *Action*              |
| 17/03    | Freeze and RC1 Release |
| 31/03    | RC2 Release            |
| 14/04    | Final Release          |

That's all.
Further information: http://noosfero.org/Development/NoosferoVersion00x46x00

Rodrigo Souto <rodrigo at colivre.coop.br> :: 55 71 8131-7714
Colivre - Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres
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