Why a block-outer class?

"Aurélio A. Heckert" aurelio at colivre.coop.br
Tue Feb 25 23:14:30 BRT 2014

On 22-02-2014 08:12, daniel tygel wrote:
> Which AI proposed this addition?
> Where or what for is this class actually being used?
I don't know why it comes to the code, but while the .block and 
.block-inner is enough to format the block (most non-crazy cases), the 
.block-outer can do things like padding without resize the block 
apparency without knowing the block dimensions.

That is needed for a page of blocks like i and Braulio was planning 
times ago. He may remember that...

But, yes, there is a problem. The .block-outer must have the block id to 
handle special cases.

> Thanks,
> daniel

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