Reconsidering the solution of AI896

Bráulio Bhavamitra braulio at
Wed Jan 22 15:31:20 BRST 2014

Here is the merge request for this reconsideration:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 6:54 AM, daniel tygel <dtygel at> wrote:

>  Hi all,
>     Yesterday Bráulio and I reviewed the merge-request of AI896 (which is
> to allow sideblocks in catalog), because we desperately need it in Cirandas.
>     While the proposed solution by Aurium was interesting, we noticed a
> problem, and thus would like to propose an alternative (and simpler)
> merge-request. But today, when looking at the AI, I saw that Rodrigo
> changed the status to "done".
>     Could we put the status to "working" again and propose an alternative
> merge request for your consideration?
>     The problem in Aurium's (good) solution is the following: it forces
> the enterprises to have a new sideblock on all the enterprise's pages (the
> category block). This is annoying, since there might already be too much
> information in the enterprise's pages, and this block is not so useful as
> the other block (products block). This new block is very nice in the
> catalog, but less important outside it.
>     So we think that Aurium's solution would be ok if noosfero allowed
> users to define in what pages they want a specific block to show up. Since
> we don't have this feature in Noosfero, Bráulio and I thought of a simpler
> solution for AI896, which is the following one:
>     Create a "custom_design" method which allows Noosfero to override the
> enterprise template and add blocks. It's a very small peace of code, and in
> this way we can force the catalog page to be a "single left-column"
> template, and add the product's category block (if the enterprise admin
> didn't add it already for the whole enterprise). In this way we accomplish
> to maintain the existing blocks (of the main area and of the left column)
> and add the categories block in the catalog. And the enterprise's owner
> can, if she wants, also activate the categories block for all pages using
> the normal "add block feature".
>      We would thus have 2 AIs: The first one (created by us today) creates
> a new block (the product categories block). It's registered in #2965: Add
> "product categories" sideblock — Noosfero<>.
> And the second AI is the AI896, which will only create the custom_design
> method and apply it for the catalog page of the enterprise.
>      Thanks,
>              daniel
> --
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