Chroot noosfero Rails 3.2, that works in Ubuntu 12.04 32 bits

Evandro Junior evandrojr at
Mon Jun 2 17:27:31 BRT 2014


I did had some small problems:

1-Had do remove the selenium web driver​ from the debian/control file
2-Gem install childprocess -v 0.3.3
2.5 Bundle install (maybe step 2 was not needed)
3-Removed Event Machine from Gemfile.lock
3.5-Bundle install (again)
4-Manually configured pg_hba.conf and changed to "trust" method for
5-Manually created a role with LOGIN & SUPERUSER  for my user at postgres

Maybe I forgot something. It was a wheezy chroot 32bits, not a real wheezy

Please let me know if there is any better way, I am a ruby n00b

2014-06-02 16:39 GMT-03:00 Caio Tiago Oliveira <caiotiago at>:

> already pointed it out, the chroot must be a Debian Wheezy.
> Let us know if you have any issue running the script or building your
> own chroot.

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