Responsive plugin

daniel tygel dtygel at
Tue Nov 11 13:58:25 BRST 2014

Hi all, specially Leandro and the other folks from Serpro,

     Would you like to try to integrate your navigation proposal with 
the responsive plugin, as we discussed some months ago?



On 09-11-2014 02:24, Bráulio Bhavamitra wrote:
> Dear friends from the noosfero community,
>      First of all, sorry for taking so long to share news about our 
> initiative of creating a responsive design for noosfero. It was great 
> challenge, that brought with it several "clean-ups" in the core, 
> making lots of things more consistent and logic.
>  *
>      Our principle from the beginning can be synthesized by a sentence 
> from Terceiro: "The responsive plugin can not break the actual 
> layout". That's what we have done. The fixed-width layout, used today, 
> is not broken with all our core changes.
>  *
>      We are therefore happy to announce to you that we have finished a 
> first proposal of the noosfero-responsive plugin. We hope that you 
> will enjoy it and that it will be integrated as soon as possible to 
> the noosfero main branch. In our case (CIRANDAS), we will at the same 
> time change the layout to responsive and make the upgrade to rails3, 
> so that this upgrade will be more meaningful for the final users as a 
> major change.
>  *
>      We left a testing environment where you can see the responsive 
> layout in action: 
> <>
>  *
>       The code is available at: 
> *How to make your theme responsive:*
>  1. Load the plugin 'responsive' (with script/noosfero-plugins)
>  2. Enable the plugin 'responsive' (administration settings)
>  3. Use the theme 'noosfero-responsive' for your environment or
>     profile, or adapt your themes using the 'base-responsive' instead
>     of 'base' and add the 'responsive: true' flag to the theme.yml .
>     We expect to provide some documentation on how to migrate your
>     themes to noosfero-responsive.
> *Note:*Even if you enable the plugin, the themes that don't have the 
> "responsive:true" flag in theme.yml should still work falwlessly! We 
> spent quite a lot of work on it to allow the systems to have a 
> transition between responsive and non-responsive layout!
> There must be still several problems that have to be addressed. We 
> list here two cases that we didn't solve:
>     1. Article edition with tinyMCE and the "insert media panel" on 
> the right becomes quite ugly in small screens, since the insert media 
> panel is displaced to below the text edition area. Our opinion is that 
> the best solution would be to have this panel hidden and that it 
> appears as a modal when called by a button "insert media". It will be 
> clean.
>     2. Gallery slideshows are still non-responsive. The javascript is 
> so old that we thought it would be better to refactor it completely to 
> some existing responsive image slideshow such as .
> We'll be happy to know about other problems as well!
> *"Clean-ups": our contributions to Noosfero for better code consistency:*
>  *
>      As a byproduct of the noosfero-responsive plugin, we made bug 
> fixes and enhancements to the code of noosfero to better separate 
> model from views and those from controllers (the old and friendly MVC 
> paradigm), and also aligning some legacy snippets such as the 
> different modals to a single one (colorbox, and fancybox for images).
>  *
>      We would like to describe below these changes, since they are 
> core and are needed for the noosfero-responsive plugin to work:
>  *
>   * _"Protect against nil"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Bug fix in rails3
>   * _"Fallback to en in i18n"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Set en as fallback language when a translation is missing
>   * _"Rename from rhtml to html.erb"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description:
>   * _"Use tables for LinkListBlock"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Layout bug fix in rails3: we used a more compact
>     layout using tables like in rails2, saving scrolbars...
>   * _"Fix passenger class load to not depend on memcache gem"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Bug fix in rails3
>   * _"Use absolute URLs on fancybox"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: Needed to make asset_pipeline work
>   * _"Fix product edition"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Bug fix in rails3
>   * _"Fix firefox problem with empty titles"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Firefox don't ignore empty title attribute and then
>     the parent title is not used.
>   * _"Cache theme_options for multiple calls"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: Needed to make better performance allowing plugins to
>     check for responsive flag in theme.yml in multiple helpers
>   * _"Add options to output_field"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: define "horizontal" or "vertical" forms, which is
>     needed for responsive forms.
>   * _"Replace prototype calls/callbacks to jquery/jrails"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: This was a major enhancement to noosfero: bye-bye
>     prototype!
>   * _"asset-pipeline: Move load to application.{js,css} and add
>     plugins and themes paths"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Now asset-pipelines work!
>   * _"Abstract core to use standard and replaceable helpers"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: This is a major commit: Clean-up bad code in views so
>     that they start to only use helpers instead of classes directly.
>     For example: buttons.
>   * _"Move non-responsive styles from application.css to base theme"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Some styles in application.css had to be changed by
>     the plugin, so we moved them to the base theme
>   * _"modals: Replace thickbox with colorbox"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: bye-bye thickbox!
>   * _"modals: Replace lightbox with colorbox"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: bye-bye lightbox!
>   * _"Move to modal api"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: Now all modals must be called in the following way,
>     in ruby and in javascript:
>   * Ruby: modal_* helpers
>   * where '*' stands for: [/modal_inline_link_to, modal_inline_icon,
>     modal_link_to, modal_close_link, modal_close_button, modal_button,
>     modal_icon_button/]
>   * Javascript: noosfero.modal.*
>   * where '*' stands for: [/inline, html, close/]
>   * _"Provide JSON responses for the responsive plugin view"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: Allow the signup form to become responsive with the
>     plugin
>   * _"Add awesome icon set"_
>   * Code:
>   * Description: Now even non-responsive layouts can choose to use
>     awesome icons in theme.yml changing "icon_theme: [default,pidgin]"
>     to "icon_theme:[awesome,pidgin]". The mapping between Tango and
>     Awesome is available at:
>   * _"Add responsive theme and plugin"_
>   * Code: _
>   * Description: Le grand finale! Besides adding the plugin, there is
>     the need to add two themes: noosfero-responsive and base-responsive.
>  *
>   * Best,
>  *
>   *       Bráulio, Vinicius and Daniel
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