[Git][noosfero/noosfero][master] 2 commits: community: confirm leave

Bráulio Bhavamitra gitlab at gitlab.com
Mon Aug 10 21:11:27 BRT 2015

Bráulio Bhavamitra pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

f9b414da by Braulio Bhavamitra at 2015-08-10T20:41:16Z
community: confirm leave

- - - - -
90db0fd7 by Braulio Bhavamitra at 2015-08-10T21:10:15Z
Merge branch 'confirm-leave' into noosfero

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- app/views/blocks/profile_info_actions/_join_leave_community.html.erb
- features/accept_member.feature
- features/members_block.feature
- public/javascripts/add-and-join.js


--- a/app/views/blocks/profile_info_actions/_join_leave_community.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/blocks/profile_info_actions/_join_leave_community.html.erb
@@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
 <div class='join-leave-button require-login-popup'>
   <% if logged_in? %>
-    <% if profile.members.include?(user) %>
-      <%= button(:delete, content_tag('span', _('Leave community')), profile.leave_url,
-        :class => 'leave-community',
-        :title => _("Leave community"),
-        :style => 'position: relative;') %>
-      <%= button(:add, content_tag('span', _('Join')), profile.join_url,
-        :class => 'join-community',
-        :title => _("Join community"),
-        :style => 'position: relative; display: none;') %>
+    <% if profile.already_request_membership? user %>
+      <%= _('Your membership is waiting for approval') %>
     <% else %>
-      <% unless profile.already_request_membership?(user) %>
-        <%= button(:delete, content_tag('span', _('Leave community')), profile.leave_url,
-          :class => 'leave-community',
-          :title => _("Leave community"),
-          :style => 'position: relative; display: none;') %>
-        <%= button(:add, content_tag('span', _('Join')), profile.join_url,
-          :class => 'join-community',
-          :title => _("Join community"),
-          :style => 'position: relative;') %>
+      <% if user.in? profile.members %>
+        <%= button :delete, content_tag('span', _('Leave community')), profile.leave_url,
+          class: 'leave-community',
+          style: 'position: relative;' %>
+        <%= button :add, content_tag('span', _('Join this community')), profile.join_url,
+          class: 'join-community',
+          style: 'position: relative; display: none;' %>
+      <% else %>
+        <%= button :add, _('Join this community'), profile.join_url %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
   <% else %>
-      <%= button(:add, _('Join'), profile.join_not_logged_url, :title => _('Join this community')) %>
+    <%= button :add, _('Join this community'), profile.join_not_logged_url %>
   <% end %>
+<%= javascript_tag do %>
+  noosfero.add_and_join.locales.leaveConfirmation = <%= (_("Please confirm to leave the community '%{name}'") % {name: profile.name}).to_json %>
+<% end %>

--- a/features/accept_member.feature
+++ b/features/accept_member.feature
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ Feature: accept member
     And the community "My Community" is closed
     And "Mario Souto" is admin of "My Community"
+  Scenario: a user should see its merbership is pending
+    Given I am logged in as "mario"
+    And the following communities
+      | owner | identifier        | name              | closed |
+      | marie | private-community | Private Community | true   |
+    And I go to private-community's homepage
+    When I follow "Join this community"
+    And I go to private-community's homepage
+    Then I should see "Your membership is waiting for approval"
   Scenario: approve a task to accept a member as admin in a closed community
     Given "Marie Curie" asked to join "My Community"

--- a/features/members_block.feature
+++ b/features/members_block.feature
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Feature:
       | joaosilva  | Joao Silva  |
       | mariasilva | Maria Silva |
     And the following communities
-      | owner     | identifier        | name             |
-      | joaosilva | sample-community  | Sample Community |
+      | owner     | identifier        | name              |
+      | joaosilva | sample-community  | Sample Community  |
     And the following blocks
       | owner            | type         |
       | sample-community | MembersBlock |
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Feature:
   Scenario: a user can join in a community by members block's button
     Given I am logged in as "mariasilva"
     And I go to sample-community's homepage
-    When I follow "Join" within ".members-block"
+    When I follow "Join this community" within ".members-block"
     And I go to mariasilva's control panel
     And I follow "Manage my groups"
     Then I should see "Sample Community"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Feature:
   Scenario: a not logged in user can log in by members block's button
     Given I am not logged in
     When I go to sample-community's homepage
-    And I follow "Join" within ".members-block"
+    And I follow "Join this community" within ".members-block"
     Then I should see "Username / Email"
   Scenario: the join-leave button do not appear if the checkbox show-join-leave-button is not checked
@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ Feature:
     And I uncheck "Show join leave button"
     And I press "Save"
     When I go to sample-community's homepage
-    Then I should not see "Join" within ".members-block"
+    Then I should not see "Join this community" within ".members-block"
     And I should not see "Leave community" within ".members-block"

--- a/public/javascripts/add-and-join.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/add-and-join.js
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+noosfero.add_and_join = {
+  locales: {
+    leaveConfirmation: '',
+  },
 jQuery(function($) {
   $(".add-friend").live('click', function(){
@@ -29,6 +35,8 @@ jQuery(function($) {
   $(".leave-community").live('click', function(){
+    if (!confirm(noosfero.add_and_join.locales.leaveConfirmation))
+      return false;
     clicked = $(this);
     url = clicked.attr("href");

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/compare/cff1444052b81d7281a6e6a4254d05510e5a7201...90db0fd70b5a0a2613cd00ffea234bf09c534648
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