noosfero | quick-start: give feedback when compiling translations fail

Antonio Terceiro gitlab at
Fri Feb 13 12:56:53 BRST 2015

Antonio Terceiro pushed to refs/heads/master at <a href="">Noosfero / noosfero</a>

<a href="">8c96fea8</a> by Antonio Terceiro
quick-start: give feedback when compiling translations fail

If there is a problem with the DB setup, rake
noosfero:translations:compile would fail silently, but we also do not
want all its output (which is a lot) unless something goes wrong.

- - - - -


--- a/script/quick-start
+++ b/script/quick-start
@@ -22,15 +22,26 @@ complain() {
 run() {
   say "\$ $@"
-  echo "$@" | sh
-  status="$?"
-  if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
+  local rc=0
+  "$@" || rc=$?
+  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
     complain "E: The command \"$@\" failed with status code $status, we cannot proceed."
     complain "I: If you have no idea of what went wrong, please feel free to ask for help in the Noosfero community. Check the contact information in the project website ("
     exit 1
+quiet() {
+  local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
+  local rc=0
+  "$@" > "$tmpfile" 2>&1 || rc=$?
+  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
+    cat "$tmpfile"
+  fi
+  rm -f "$tmpfile"
+  return $rc
 gem_install() {
   if [ -w "$(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem.dir')" ]; then
     run gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc $@
@@ -103,13 +114,15 @@ else
   rails runner 'Environment.default.enable("skip_new_user_email_confirmation")'
-run 'rake noosfero:translations:compile >/dev/null 2>&1'
+run quiet rake noosfero:translations:compile
 # create needed directory
 mkdir -p tmp/pids
 # use default gitignore rules
-ln -s gitignore.example .gitignore || true
+if [ ! -f .gitignore ]; then
+  ln -s gitignore.example .gitignore
 # you can now start the server
 say "I: Congratulations, you are ready to run Noosfero."

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