Noosfero 1.1 - feature freeze

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at
Mon Mar 2 11:00:47 BRT 2015

# Feature freeze

As previously announced¹, today we enter the feature freeze for the 1.1
release. The rules of the master branch are now:

- master only takes bug fixes

- bug fixes have to be targetted (i.e. no fixes mixed with larger
  changes that do not fix bugs).


# Next steps

The original schedule I posted was this:

- Feature freeze: March 1st
- RC1: March 13th
- RC2: March 20th
- Final release: March 30th

However, I now realize that it does not make much sense to wait that
long between the feature freeze and the first RC, so I will be releasing
an RC1 as soon as I can, and further RCs when it makes sense (i.e.
enough fixes have landed).

Note, however, that the final release will _not_ happen if we still have
broken tests and known, fixable, important bugs. If the release is
delayed, the next feature landing period will be too. So if you want
master to be open to new features again, please help us release 1.1. :)

# `next` branch

While getting 1.1 out of the door should be everyone's priority at this
point, I realize that for feature that already have merge requests,
waiting until the release might actually harm their development.

So, for those cases, I just created a branch called `next`. The rules are:

- merging new features in `next` follows the same rules as the ones for
  `master` outside of the feature freeze.

- changes to master during the feature freeze should be merged
  constantly into this branch. Any committer is welcome to do this, but
  please coordinate with others (through IRC seems to be the most
  practical way).

- after the release, `next` will be merged into master.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at>
Colivre - Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres

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