[noosfero/noosfero][next] 3 commits: adding article toolbar hotspot

Leandro Nunes gitlab at gitlab.com
Tue Mar 31 13:32:48 BRT 2015

Leandro Nunes pushed to next at Noosfero / noosfero

262fb4e6 by Leandro Nunes dos Santos at 2015-03-02T17:41:56Z
adding article toolbar hotspot

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a8f1e7f9 by Leandro Nunes dos Santos at 2015-03-31T08:28:37Z
Merge branch 'add_hotspot_article_toolbar' into next

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a79d01ab by Leandro Nunes dos Santos at 2015-03-31T13:32:40Z
hotspot: adding article_extra_toolbar_buttons hostspot

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5 changed files:

- app/helpers/application_helper.rb
- app/views/content_viewer/_article_toolbar.html.erb
- lib/noosfero/plugin.rb
- test/functional/content_viewer_controller_test.rb
- test/unit/plugin_test.rb


--- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
   def button(type, label, url, html_options = {})
+    html_options ||= {}
     the_class = 'with-text'
     if html_options.has_key?(:class)
       the_class << ' ' << html_options[:class]

--- a/app/views/content_viewer/_article_toolbar.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/content_viewer/_article_toolbar.html.erb
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@
       <%= button(:clock, _('All versions'), {:controller => 'content_viewer', :profile => profile.identifier, :action => 'article_versions'}, :id => 'article-versions-link') %>
     <% end %>
+    <% @plugins.dispatch(:article_extra_toolbar_buttons, @page).each do |plugin_button| %>
+      <%= button plugin_button[:icon], plugin_button[:title], plugin_button[:url], plugin_button[:html_options] %>
+    <% end %>
     <%= report_abuse(profile, :link, @page) %>

--- a/lib/noosfero/plugin.rb
+++ b/lib/noosfero/plugin.rb
@@ -426,6 +426,19 @@ class Noosfero::Plugin
+  # -> Adds aditional action buttons to article
+  # returns = { :title => title, :icon => icon, :url => url, :html_options => {} }
+  #   title         = name that will be displayed.
+  #   icon          = css class name (for customized icons include them in a css file).
+  #   url           = url or route to which the button will redirect.
+  #   html_options  = Html options for customization
+  #
+  # Multiple values could be passed as parameter.
+  # returns = [{:title => title, :icon => icon}, {:title => title, :icon => icon}]
+  def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+    []
+  end
   # -> Adds adicional content to article
   # returns = lambda block that creates html code
   def article_extra_contents(article)

--- a/test/functional/content_viewer_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/functional/content_viewer_controller_test.rb
@@ -1436,4 +1436,76 @@ class ContentViewerControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
     assert_no_tag :tag => 'h1', :attributes => { :class => /title/ }, :content => article.name
+  should 'add extra toolbar actions on article from plugins' do
+    class Plugin1 < Noosfero::Plugin
+      def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+        {:title => 'some_title1', :icon => 'some_icon1', :url => {}}
+      end
+    end
+    Noosfero::Plugin.stubs(:all).returns([Plugin1.name])
+    Environment.default.enable_plugin(Plugin1.name)
+    page = profile.articles.create!(:name => 'myarticle', :body => 'the body of the text')
+    get :view_page, :profile => profile.identifier, :page => [ 'myarticle' ]
+    assert_tag :tag => 'div', :attributes => { :id => 'article-actions' }, :descendant => { :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :title => "some_title1" }}
+  end
+  should 'add more than one extra toolbar actions on article from plugins' do
+    class Plugin1 < Noosfero::Plugin
+      def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+        {:title => 'some_title1', :icon => 'some_icon1', :url => {}}
+      end
+    end
+    class Plugin2 < Noosfero::Plugin
+      def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+        {:title => 'some_title2', :icon => 'some_icon2', :url => {}}
+      end
+    end
+    Noosfero::Plugin.stubs(:all).returns([Plugin1.name, Plugin2.name])
+    Environment.default.enable_plugin(Plugin1.name)
+    Environment.default.enable_plugin(Plugin2.name)
+    page = profile.articles.create!(:name => 'myarticle', :body => 'the body of the text')
+    get :view_page, :profile => profile.identifier, :page => [ 'myarticle' ]
+    assert_tag :tag => 'div', :attributes => { :id => 'article-actions' }, :descendant => { :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :title => "some_title1" }}
+    assert_tag :tag => 'div', :attributes => { :id => 'article-actions' }, :descendant => { :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :title => "some_title2" }}
+  end
+  should 'add icon attribute in extra toolbar actions on article from plugins' do
+    class Plugin1 < Noosfero::Plugin
+      def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+        {:title => 'some_title1', :icon => 'some_icon1', :url => {}}
+      end
+    end
+    Noosfero::Plugin.stubs(:all).returns([Plugin1.name])
+    Environment.default.enable_plugin(Plugin1.name)
+    page = profile.articles.create!(:name => 'myarticle', :body => 'the body of the text')
+    get :view_page, :profile => profile.identifier, :page => [ 'myarticle' ]
+    assert_tag :tag => 'div', :attributes => { :id => 'article-actions' }, :descendant => { :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :class => /some_icon1/ }}
+  end
+  should 'add url attribute in extra toolbar actions on article from plugins' do
+    class Plugin1 < Noosfero::Plugin
+      def article_extra_toolbar_buttons(article)
+        {:title => 'some_title1', :icon => 'some_icon1', :url => '/bli'}
+      end
+    end
+    Noosfero::Plugin.stubs(:all).returns([Plugin1.name])
+    Environment.default.enable_plugin(Plugin1.name)
+    page = profile.articles.create!(:name => 'myarticle', :body => 'the body of the text')
+    get :view_page, :profile => profile.identifier, :page => [ 'myarticle' ]
+    assert_tag :tag => 'div', :attributes => { :id => 'article-actions' }, :descendant => { :tag => 'a', :attributes => { :href => "/bli" }}
+  end

--- a/test/unit/plugin_test.rb
+++ b/test/unit/plugin_test.rb
@@ -560,4 +560,13 @@ class PluginTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_equivalent [st4.term, st2.term], limited_suggestions
+  should 'article_extra_toolbar_buttons return an empty array by default' do
+    class CustomBlock1 < Block; end;
+    class Plugin1 < Noosfero::Plugin
+    end
+    p = Plugin1.new
+    assert_equal [], p.article_extra_toolbar_buttons(nil)
+  end

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/compare/fe3c0b17eb9366bd157e8c85ee9fec00a62cbed5...a79d01ab7f327b07409c24efa5e0fba73626d076
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