[noosfero/noosfero][master] 2 commits: Enhance existing backup task and add a restore one

Antonio Terceiro gitlab at gitlab.com
Fri May 8 13:50:36 BRT 2015

Antonio Terceiro pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

935a6418 by Antonio Terceiro at 2015-05-08T13:48:49Z
Enhance existing backup task and add a restore one

- `rake backup` will now create a tarball with everything that needs to
  be backed up (files + database dump)

- `rake restore BACKUP=/path/to/(...).tar.gz` will restore that backup
  over the current Noosfero instance.

Multi-tenant setups are not supported yet.

- - - - -
85b736c8 by Antonio Terceiro at 2015-05-08T16:50:20Z
Merge branch 'backup-restore' into 'master'

backup/restore rake tasks

see commit message

See merge request !469

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- lib/tasks/backup.rake


--- a/lib/tasks/backup.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/backup.rake
@@ -1,8 +1,107 @@
-desc "Creates a backup of the user files stored in public/"
-task :backup do
-  dirs = Dir.glob('public/images/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]') + ['public/articles', 'public/thumbnails', 'public/user_themes'].select { |d| File.exists?(d) }
-  tarball = 'backups/files-' + Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%R') + '.tar'
+task :load_backup_config do
+  $config = YAML.load_file('config/database.yml')
+task :check_backup_support => :load_backup_config do
+  if $config['production']['adapter'] != 'postgresql'
+    fail("Only PostgreSQL is supported for backups at the moment")
+  end
+backup_dirs = [
+  'public/image_uploads',
+  'public/articles',
+  'public/thumbnails',
+  'public/user_themes',
+desc "Creates a backup of the database and uploaded files"
+task :backup => :check_backup_support do
+  dirs = backup_dirs.select { |d| File.exists?(d) }
+  backup_name = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%R')
+  backup_file = File.join('tmp/backup', backup_name) + '.tar.gz'
+  mkdir_p 'tmp/backup'
+  dump = File.join('tmp/backup', backup_name) + '.sql'
+  database = $config['production']['database']
+  sh "pg_dump #{database} > #{dump}"
+  sh 'tar', 'caf', backup_file, dump, *dirs
+  rm_f dump
+  puts "****************************************************"
+  puts "Backup in #{backup_file} !"
+  puts
+  puts "To restore, use:"
+  puts "$ rake restore BACKUP=#{backup_file}"
+  puts "****************************************************"
+def invalid_backup!(message, items=[])
+  puts "E: #{message}"
+  items.each do |i|
+    puts "E: - #{i}"
+  end
+  puts "E: Is this a backup archive created by Noosfero with \`rake backup\`?"
+  exit 1
+desc "Restores a backup created previousy with \`rake backup\`"
+task :restore => :check_backup_support do
+  backup = ENV["BACKUP"]
+  unless backup
+    puts "usage: rake restore BACKUP=/path/to/backup"
+    exit 1
+  end
+  files = `tar taf #{backup}`.split
+  # validate files in the backup
+  invalid_files = []
+  files.each do |f|
+    if f !~ /tmp\/backup\// && (backup_dirs.none? { |d| f =~ /^#{d}\// })
+      invalid_files << f
+    end
+  end
+  if invalid_files.size > 0
+    invalid_backup!("Invalid files found in the backup archive", invalid_files)
+  end
+  # find database dump in the archive
+  dumps = files.select do |f|
+    File.dirname(f) == 'tmp/backup' && f =~ /\.sql$/
+  end
+  if dumps.size == 0
+    invalid_backup!("Could not find a database dump in the archive.")
+  elsif dumps.size > 1
+    invalid_backup!("Multiple database dumps found in the archive:", dumps)
+  end
+  dump = dumps.first
+  database = $config['production']['database']
+  username = $config['production']['username']
+  puts "WARNING: backups should be restored to an empty database, otherwise"
+  puts "data from the backup may not be loaded properly."
+  puts
+  puts 'You can remove the existing database and create a new one with:'
+  puts
+  puts "$ sudo -u postgres dropdb #{database}"
+  puts "$ sudo -u postgres createdb #{database} --owner #{username}"
+  puts
+  print "Are you sure you want to continue (y/N)? "
+  response = $stdin.gets.strip
+  unless ['y', 'yes'].include?(response.downcase)
+    puts "*** ABORTED."
+    exit 1
+  end
+  sh 'tar', 'xaf', backup
+  sh "rails dbconsole production < #{dump}"
+  rm_f dump
-  mkdir_p(File.dirname(tarball))
-  sh('tar', 'cf', tarball, *dirs)
+  puts "****************************************************"
+  puts "Backup restored!"
+  puts "****************************************************"

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/compare/ae97efa0af7e4873720ae918c99c3fdc7810e5cf...85b736c87855217fc9d6d133f17d8d35184301fa
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