noosfero | Tinymce links (#709)

Daniela Feitosa gitlab at
Tue Oct 20 08:33:35 BRST 2015

New comment for Merge Request 709

Daniela Feitosa

This plugin is generating its own tinymce (lines [56]( and [87]( instead of using the same of [tinymce on core](

To use the one from core, you should add the class `mceEditor` on the textarea you want, like [this example]( Noosfero will add the tinymce in all textareas with this class.

To use the same as the used on core, that already [treats the documentBaseUrl](, you sould:
* remove the initialization of tinymce from plugin (lines [56]( and [87](
* add class mceEditor on [textarea](
* as you need a tinymce with only four buttons, you could add a new mode ("restrict", for example) that includes only the 4 buttons you need. The buttons are included on [tinymce_helper](
* also, you could include a test to make sure it works :)

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