Fwd: This week's Ruby news, issue 270

Bráulio Bhavamitra brauliobo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 19:19:40 BRST 2015

a lot of good stuff.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ruby Weekly <rw at peterc.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 2:04 PM
Subject: This week's Ruby news, issue 270
To: <brauliobo at gmail.com>

This week's Ruby and Rails news
Read this e-mail on the Web
Weekly Issue 270 — October 29, 2015
Rails Rumble
Rails Rumble 2015 Registration Now Open
The popular online Ruby (it’s not just Rails) hackathon starts on November
7th. If you win, a rather epic boxing-style belt
could be yours.

Jamis Buck
Bulk Inserts in ActiveRecord
Jamis Buck shows off BulkInsert (*BuckInsert*, surely? ;-)), an
ActiveRecord extension to make it quicker to insert 1000s of rows at a time
using batch INSERTs.

Janko Marohnić
Shrine: A New File Upload Toolkit for Ruby Apps
is a new plugin-driven solution for handling file uploads in Ruby apps that
aims to provide a very simple interface for developers.

Bloc IO  Sponsored
Level Up Your Ruby Skills through Bloc’s Full Stack Bootcamp
Learn every component of an application: the database, server and
client-side code, and front-end markup. Bloc is an immersive,
outcome-oriented online program with 1-on-1 mentorship, learning by
building real applications, and career support.

[image: Bloc IO]
Calle Erlandsson
Using ARGF and ARGV
ARGF gives you files referenced in command line arguments *or* passed in
over standard input.

Jason Cummings
Lets Write Some Bad Ruby
This sort of ad-hoc ‘scripting’ style programming is my Ruby bread and
butter nowadays. Ruby is amazing for once-off jobs as shown here.

Brian Shirai
Rubinius, Inc - A Benefit Company
Brian Shirai, famous for his work on Rubinius, the highly concurrent Ruby
implementation, has founded a socially-beneficial company to focus on
Rubinius’ ongoing development.

Robb Shecter
The Cryptic 'X for Y' Error Is Becoming Friendlier
You’ve no doubt seen “wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)” errors before.
Now they’ll be (given 3, expected 2) instead.
A minor but welcome change.

Leigh Halliday
Deploying Your Docker Rails App
Once you’ve got your Rails app into a Docker container, how can you get it
quickly and simply deployed? (In this case, on Heroku.)


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   you a Rails expert with strong coding abilities? If so, ROI Revolution is
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   in-house power. ROI Revolution
   - Expert Ruby Instructors at Pluralsight (Freelance-Part-time)
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   communicators and presenters in the Ruby community. Apply today.

In brief

   - Extreme Object-Oriented Ruby
   John Cinnamond stretches Ruby’s object orientation features to their
   computational limits.
   Full Stack Fest 2015
   - Bootstrapping a Business Around Open Source
   Ever wondered how the Passenger guys bootstrapped Phusion?
   O'Reilly OSCON
   - Hate Fixing Bugs? Lucky You. We Love It.

   Tackling technical debt and integrating disparate systems is fun, too.
   (Yes, really.)
   Corgibytes   Sponsored
   - Cool Ruby Regex Tricks
   I have a huge soft spot for regular expressions. Starr shows off an
   eclectic handful of quick tricks.
   Starr Horne
   - Layering API Defenses With Caching
   Parker Selbert
   - How to Traverse Foreign Ruby Code
   Jake Yesbeck
   - How to Apply RuboCop to Your Large Rails Codebase
   A look at using HoundCI, a continuous integration tool for code style,
   along with the RuboCop Ruby static code analyzer.
   Benjamin Fritsch
   - How to Deploy a Rails Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with
   Jelena Keravica
   - 4 Ways to Parse a JSON API in Ruby
   Using net/http, HTTParty, rest-client, and Faraday.
   Greg Baugues
   - Heroku Style Application Deployments with Docker
   Lauri Nevala
   - Remove N+1 Queries in Your Rails App
   Edvards Lazdāns
   - Prevent Information Leaking in Rails
   A very quick tip to prevent browsers from caching pages, if you wish.
   Greg Molnar
   - Sidekiq 4.0.0.pre1 Now Available
    tools news
   Not the final version but just use gem 'sidekiq', '4.0.0.pre1' if you
   want to get testing.
   Mike Perham
   - Jekyll 3.0 Released: The Ruby Static Site Generator
    tools news
   Even outside of the Ruby world, Jekyll is one of the most powerful and
   well used static site generators.
   - Redis Performance Dashboard and Autoscaling from RedisGreen
   Seamless scaling and analytics backed by support from engineers who have
   been scaling Redis for years.
   RedisGreen   Sponsored
   - i18n-tasks: Helps You Find and Manage Missing and Unused Translations
   Essentially static analysis for internationalization.
   Gleb Mazovetskiy

Curated by Peter Cooper
and published by Cooper Press
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