All selenium tests also passing with the chrome driver

Bráulio Bhavamitra brauliobo at
Tue Apr 26 19:13:07 BRT 2016

Hey all,

And it is a bit faster. It is nice to see it working also on chrome driver.
Chrome frenzy updates make it don't work with old distributions though.


~/P/n/noosfero git:noosfero ❯❯❯ TASK=selenium LANG=en; be rake $TASK
Firefox version = Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2
xvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0, 1280x1024x24" cucumber -p selenium
--format progress
DEPRECATED: #default_wait_time= is deprecated, please use
#default_max_wait_time= instead
Using the selenium profile...

169 scenarios (169 passed)
2108 steps (2108 passed)
~/P/n/noosfero git:noosfero ❯❯❯ TASK=selenium SELENIUM_DRIVER=chrome LANG=en
; be rake $TASK

⬆ ⬇
Firefox version = Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2
xvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0, 1280x1024x24" cucumber -p selenium
--format progress
DEPRECATED: #default_wait_time= is deprecated, please use
#default_max_wait_time= instead
Using the selenium profile...

169 scenarios (169 passed)
2108 steps (2108 passed)
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