[Git][noosfero/noosfero][master] 2 commits: refactoring visible for person query

Leandro Nunes gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Aug 2 10:05:44 BRT 2016

Leandro Nunes pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

957db004 by Leandro Nunes dos Santos at 2016-08-02T09:08:12-03:00
refactoring visible for person query

- - - - -
b904d553 by Leandro Nunes at 2016-08-02T13:05:22+00:00
Merge branch 'refatoring_visible_for_person' into 'master'

refactoring visible for person query

transform visible_for_person in named scope and make some changes on generated query

See merge request !995
- - - - -

1 changed file:

- app/models/organization.rb


--- a/app/models/organization.rb
+++ b/app/models/organization.rb
@@ -20,33 +20,28 @@ class Organization < Profile
   #   visible.
   #   4) The user is not a member of the organization but the organization is
   #   visible, public and enabled.
-  def self.listed_for_person(person)
+  scope :listed_for_person, lambda { |person|
     joins('LEFT JOIN "role_assignments" ON ("role_assignments"."resource_id" = "profiles"."id"
           AND "role_assignments"."resource_type" = \'Profile\') OR (
           "role_assignments"."resource_id" = "profiles"."environment_id" AND
           "role_assignments"."resource_type" = \'Environment\' )')
     .joins('LEFT JOIN "roles" ON "role_assignments"."role_id" = "roles"."id"')
-      ['( (roles.key = ? OR roles.key = ?) AND role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? )
-        OR
-        ( ( ( role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR
-            ( profiles.enabled = ? ) ) AND
-          ( profiles.visible = ? ) )',
-      'profile_admin', 'environment_administrator', Profile.name, person.id,
-      Profile.name, person.id, true, true]
-    ).uniq
-  end
-  def self.visible_for_person(person)
-    listed_for_person(person).where(
-      ['( (roles.key = ? OR roles.key = ?) AND role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? )
-        OR
+      ['( (roles.key = ? OR roles.key = ?) AND role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR (
+        ( ( role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR ( profiles.enabled = ?)) AND (profiles.visible = ?) )',
+         'profile_admin', 'environment_administrator', Profile.name, person.id, Profile.name, person.id,  true, true]
+     ).uniq
+  }
+  scope :visible_for_person, lambda { |person|
+	    listed_for_person(person).where( ['
         ( ( role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR
-          ( profiles.enabled = ? AND profiles.public_profile = ? ) )',
-      'profile_admin', 'environment_administrator', Profile.name, person.id,
+          ( profiles.enabled = ? AND profiles.public_profile = ? ) )',      
       Profile.name, person.id,  true, true]
-  end
+  }
   settings_items :closed, :type => :boolean, :default => false
   def closed?

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/compare/a3fb62836b7b2f5b69f1ef80bde8f53c00ab736f...b904d5530f1893028541fe0202eb30f083816918
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