[Git][noosfero/noosfero][master] Remove features/template_block_management.feature

Antonio Terceiro gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Feb 11 16:36:00 BRST 2016

Antonio Terceiro pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

8227afa8 by Antonio Terceiro at 2016-02-11T16:35:07-02:00
Remove features/template_block_management.feature

It is redundant, as the feature that it is supposed to test can be
completed tested with less expensive tests.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- − features/template_block_management.feature


features/template_block_management.feature deleted
--- a/features/template_block_management.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Feature: user template
-  As an user
-  I want to create templates with mirror blocks
-  In order to keep these blocks always updated
-  Background:
-    Given the following users
-      | login  | name       | is_template |
-      | person | person     | true        |
-    And the following blocks
-      | owner  | type          | mirror |
-      | person | ArticleBlock  | true   |
-      | person | RawHTMLBlock  | false  |
-    And I go to /account/signup
-    And I fill in "Username" with "mario"
-    And I fill in "Password" with "123456"
-    And I fill in "Password confirmation" with "123456"
-    And I fill in "e-Mail" with "mario at mario.com"
-    And I fill in "Full name" with "Mario"
-    And wait for the captcha signup time
-    And I press "Create my account"
-    And I am logged in as admin
-  @selenium
-  Scenario: The block Article name is changed
-    Given I am on person's control panel
-    And I follow "Edit sideboxes"
-    And display ".button-bar"
-    And I follow "Edit" within ".block-outer .article-block"
-    And I fill in "Custom title for this block:" with "Mirror"
-    And I press "Save"
-    And I go to /profile/mario
-    Then I should see "Mirror"
-  @selenium
-  Scenario: The block LinkList is changed but the user's block doesnt change
-    Given I am on person's control panel
-    And I follow "Edit sideboxes"
-    And display ".button-bar"
-    And I follow "Edit" within ".block-outer .raw-html-block"
-    And I fill in "Custom title for this block:" with "Raw HTML Block"
-    And I press "Save"
-    And I go to /profile/mario
-    Then I should not see "Raw HTML Block"
-  @selenium
-  Scenario: The block Article cannot move or modify
-    Given I am on person's control panel
-    And I follow "Edit sideboxes"
-    And display ".button-bar"
-    And I follow "Edit" within ".block-outer .article-block"
-    And I select "Cannot be moved" from "Move options:"
-    And I select "Cannot be modified" from "Edit options:"
-    And I press "Save"
-    And I follow "Logout"
-    And Mario's account is activated
-    And I follow "Login"
-    And I fill in "Username / Email" with "mario"
-    And I fill in "Password" with "123456"
-    And I press "Log in"
-    And I go to /myprofile/mario
-    And I follow "Edit sideboxes"
-    And display ".button-bar"
-    Then I should not see "Edit" within ".block-outer .article-block"

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/commit/8227afa8fa33e95dcffd3c54dc8afcdf9b826314
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