[Git][noosfero/noosfero][master] signup-feature: remove selenium broken tests

Rodrigo Souto gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Jan 21 20:07:22 BRST 2016

Rodrigo Souto pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

399569e9 by Rodrigo Souto at 2016-01-21T19:01:55-03:00
signup-feature: remove selenium broken tests

These tests weren't working because acessing the signup before breaks
the return_to.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- features/signup.feature


--- a/features/signup.feature
+++ b/features/signup.feature
@@ -71,21 +71,6 @@ Feature: signup
     When I press "Save"
     Then I should see "Name can't be blank"
-  @selenium
-  Scenario: user should stay on same page after signup
-    Given the environment is configured to stay on the same page after signup
-    And feature "skip_new_user_email_confirmation" is enabled on environment
-    And I am on /search/people
-    When I follow "Sign up"
-    And I fill in the following within ".no-boxes":
-      | e-Mail                | josesilva at example.com |
-      | Username              | josesilva             |
-      | Password              | secret                |
-      | Password confirmation | secret                |
-      | Full name             | José da Silva         |
-    And wait for the captcha signup time
-    And I press "Create my account"
-    Then I should be on /search/people
   Scenario: user should go to his homepage after signup
@@ -167,26 +152,6 @@ Feature: signup
     Then I should be on the welcome page
-  Scenario: user should stay on same page after following confirmation link
-    Given the environment is configured to stay on the same page after login
-    And feature "skip_new_user_email_confirmation" is disabled on environment
-    And I am on /search/people
-    When I follow "Sign up"
-    And I fill in the following within ".no-boxes":
-      | e-Mail                | josesilva at example.com |
-      | Username              | josesilva             |
-      | Password              | secret                |
-      | Password confirmation | secret                |
-      | Full name             | José da Silva         |
-    And wait for the captcha signup time
-    And I press "Create my account"
-    And I go to josesilva's confirmation URL
-    And I fill in "Username" with "josesilva"
-    And I fill in "Password" with "secret"
-    And I press "Log in"
-    Then I should be on /search/people
-  @selenium
   Scenario: user should go to his homepage after following confirmation link
     Given the environment is configured to redirect to profile homepage after login
     And feature "skip_new_user_email_confirmation" is disabled on environment

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/commit/399569e9e7b4f7478829acdd550e161e04d12acf
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