[Git][noosfero/noosfero][master] 3 commits: api: add endpoint to remove comments

Leandro Nunes gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu May 19 13:24:25 BRT 2016

Leandro Nunes pushed to branch master at Noosfero / noosfero

56e31cda by Victor Costa at 2016-05-19T11:35:22-03:00
api: add endpoint to remove comments

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15cd9768 by Victor Costa at 2016-05-19T11:42:55-03:00
api: do not create comment when article does not accept it

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46af34c8 by Leandro Nunes at 2016-05-19T16:23:30+00:00
Merge branch 'remove-comments-api' into 'master'

[API] Endpoit to remove comments

Also fix the post comment endpoint when article does not accept comments.

See merge request !930
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- app/api/v1/comments.rb
- test/api/comments_test.rb


--- a/app/api/v1/comments.rb
+++ b/app/api/v1/comments.rb
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Api
         post ":id/comments" do
           article = find_article(environment.articles, params[:id])
+          return forbidden! unless article.accept_comments?
           options = params.select { |key,v| !['id','private_token'].include?(key) }.merge(:author => current_person, :source => article)
             comment = Comment.create!(options)
@@ -42,6 +43,19 @@ module Api
           present comment, :with => Entities::Comment, :current_person => current_person
+        delete ":id/comments/:comment_id" do
+          article = find_article(environment.articles, params[:id])
+          comment = article.comments.find_by_id(params[:comment_id])
+          return not_found! if comment.nil?
+          return forbidden! unless comment.can_be_destroyed_by?(current_person)
+          begin
+            comment.destroy
+            present comment, with: Entities::Comment, :current_person => current_person
+          rescue => e
+            render_api_error!(e.message, 500)
+          end
+        end

--- a/test/api/comments_test.rb
+++ b/test/api/comments_test.rb
@@ -70,6 +70,16 @@ class CommentsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_equal body, json['comment']['body']
+  should 'not create comment when an article does not accept comments' do
+    login_api
+    article = fast_create(Article, :profile_id => @local_person.id, :name => "Some thing", accept_comments: false)
+    body = 'My comment'
+    params.merge!({:body => body})
+    post "/api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 403, last_response.status
+  end
   should 'logged user not comment an archived article' do
     article = fast_create(Article, :profile_id => user.person.id, :name => "Some thing", :archived => true)
@@ -186,4 +196,53 @@ class CommentsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_equal [comment1.id], json["comments"].map { |c| c['id'] }
+  should 'delete comment successfully' do
+    login_api
+    article = fast_create(Article, profile_id: person.id, name: "Some thing")
+    comment = article.comments.create!(body: "some comment", author: person)
+    delete "api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments/#{comment.id}?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+    assert_equal comment.id, json['comment']['id']
+    assert_not_includes article.comments, comment
+  end
+  should 'not delete a comment when user is not logged' do
+    article = fast_create(Article, profile_id: person.id, name: "Some thing")
+    comment = article.comments.create!(body: "some comment", author: person)
+    delete "api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments/#{comment.id}?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 403, last_response.status
+    assert_includes article.comments, comment
+  end
+  should 'not delete a comment when user does not have permission' do
+    login_api
+    article = fast_create(Article, profile_id: @local_person.id, name: "Some thing")
+    comment = article.comments.create!(body: "some comment", author: @local_person)
+    delete "api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments/#{comment.id}?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 403, last_response.status
+    assert_includes article.comments, comment
+  end
+  should 'return not found when delete a inexistent comment' do
+    article = fast_create(Article, profile_id: person.id, name: "Some thing")
+    comment = article.comments.create!(body: "some comment", author: person)
+    delete "api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments/0?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+    assert_includes article.comments, comment
+  end
+  should 'return error when failed to delete comment' do
+    login_api
+    article = fast_create(Article, profile_id: person.id, name: "Some thing")
+    comment = article.comments.create!(body: "some comment", author: person)
+    Comment.any_instance.expects(:destroy).raises(StandardError)
+    delete "api/v1/articles/#{article.id}/comments/#{comment.id}?#{params.to_query}"
+    json = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
+    assert_equal 500, last_response.status
+    assert_includes article.comments, comment
+  end

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero/compare/b896adbeac95cf3589223ad463c31d17d4bb5b17...46af34c89aa189edb86cea304b6815208877a4c0
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