noosfero | Escaped HTML in several pages (#235)

Gabriel Silva gitlab at
Mon Jan 16 00:19:07 BRST 2017

New Issue was created.

Issue 235:
Author:    Gabriel Silva

There are several pages with escaped HTML.

## Versioned Article Body

Create a new article and check the "display old versions" option. Now edit its body, open the "All versions" page, and select an older version to be displayed.


## Custom text on sign up page

Go to the Environment configuration in the admin panel and set a custom text to be displayed on the sign up page. Check the custom text in the sign up page.


# Products Plugin

## Products editing

Create a new Product, display it, and add a new Input/raw material. Edit the new Input/Raw material and check the form.


## Enterprise Activity

Create a new product from the control panel of any Enterprise. Now, check the product activity created on its profile page. Other activities related to the Products plugin will probably show the same problem.


## Product price

Create a new product, set its price and discount. Now, check the price tag in the products page.


# Delivery plugin

## Delivery method creation

Create a new delivery method in the basket options page, via any enterprise control panel. Check the delivery method form. The problem can only be seen when the portuguese language is selected.


# Orders plugin

## Purchases/Sales listing

Create a new purchase (you may need the ShoppingCart plugin to perform that) and open the Purchases/Sales list in the profile control panel. Check the table.


# ShoppingCart plugin

## Finish order

Create a product, set a price, and add it to your shopping cart. Checkout your order, and check the summary table header.

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