noosfero | removing local acts_as_list dependency (!1550)

Gabriel Silva gitlab at
Wed Jun 27 10:43:29 BRT 2018

Gabriel Silva commented on a discussion on app/models/article.rb:

>    extend ActsAsHavingImage::ClassMethods
>    acts_as_having_image
> +  acts_as_list scope: :profile

I was able to reproduce some problemas:

### Lack of default position:

1. create and highlight a set of articles *before* adding `acts_as_list` to the article. The created articles will have `position = 0`, since there is a `default: 0` on the column right now.
2. With the code in this branch (and the existing articles with `position = 0`), try to reorder some articles on the environment homepage.
3. The result will not be as expected.

### Position gaps in highlighted articles

1. Create a set of articles, "Post 1" to "Post 5"
2. Highlight only "Post 1", "Post 4", and "Post 5" (2 and 3 exist, but are not in the home page)
3. Go to the homepage and try to move "Post 4" down. It will not switch its position with "Post 1". This is a must, since not all articles will be highlighted.

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