noosfero | Add major changes on Noosfero interface (includes responsivity) (!1329)

Rodrigo Souto gitlab at
Tue Mar 6 11:16:31 BRT 2018

Rodrigo Souto started a new discussion on app/views/profile/_create_article.html.erb:

>    <div class='profile-activity-lead'>
> -    <div class='article-name'><%= link_to(activity.params['title'] || activity.params['name'], activity.params['url']) %></div>
> -    <span title='<%= %>' class='profile-activity-icon icon-new icon-new<%= %>'></span>
> -    <%= image_tag(activity.params['first_image']) unless activity.params['first_image'].blank? %><%= strip_tags(truncate(activity.params['lead'].html_safe, :length => 1000, :ommision => '...', :escape => false)).gsub(/(\xC2\xA0|\s)+/, ' ').gsub(/^\s+/, '') unless activity.params['lead'].blank? %><small><%= link_to(_('See more'), activity.params['url']) unless activity.get_lead.blank? %></small>
> +    <div class='article-name'><%= link_to(activity.params['name'], activity.params['url']) %></div>
> +    <%= image_tag(activity.params['first_image']) unless activity.params['first_image'].blank? %>
> +    <%= strip_tags(truncate(activity.params['lead'].html_safe, :length => 1000, :ommision => '...', :escape => false)).gsub(/(\xC2\xA0|\s)+/, ' ').gsub(/^\s+/, '') unless activity.params['lead'].blank? %><small><%= link_to(_('See more'), activity.params['url']) unless activity.get_lead.blank? %></small>
>    </div>
>    <%= content_tag(:p, link_to(_('See complete forum'), activity.get_url), :class => 'see-forum') if %>
> -  <p class='profile-activity-time'><%= time_ago_in_words(activity.created_at) %></p>
> -  <div class='profile-wall-actions'>
> -    <%= link_to s_('profile|Comment'), '#', { :class => 'focus-on-comment'} %>
> -    <%= link_to_function(_('Remove'), 'remove_item_wall(this, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'); return false ;' % [".profile-activity-item", url_for(:profile => params[:profile], :action => :remove_activity, :activity_id =>, :only_hide => true, :view => params[:view]), _('Are you sure you want to remove this activity and all its replies?')]) if logged_in? && current_person == @profile %>
> -  </div>
> +  <span class="profile-activity-send-reply">
> +    <%= link_to_function font_awesome(:reply, s_('profile|Comment')), "hide_and_show(['#profile-#{tab_action}-message-response-#{}'],['#profile-#{tab_action}-reply-#{}', '#profile-#{tab_action}-reply-form-#{}']);jQuery('#reply_content_#{tab_action}_#{}').val('');jQuery('#reply_content_#{tab_action}_#{}').focus();return false", :class => "profile-send-reply" %>

There is too much js logic inline here.

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