[Pontosdecultura] ☯new work

Christopher Dixon analinck em terra.com.br
Sábado Agosto 12 18:24:52 BRT 2017


I  should  tell you I am absolutely not used to this  kind of work, so I decided to ask you some questions about it, please answer  them here http://evakuator-armavir.ru/incredible.php?f3f2

Yours, Christopher Dixon

From: Lista dos Pontos de Cultura [mailto:pontosdecultura em listas.softwarelivre.org]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:24 PM
To: analinck em terra.com.br
Subject: only if he lived

The only  thing  you said there  that is convincing is about Carla Ferrigno. 

Dickinson  having half naked pics of him means she might have had sex with him. And lets not even  go near how credible the  woman is. She would say just  about anything to get some publicity  and is  a massive drug addict.  That doesn't mean she's  lying, but that she has major credibility issues and hasn't got a show right  now.  

The woman who sued in  2004 might  have been a shakedown. 

The thousands  of dollars  of money order receipts  might be  for money  he used to spend, or basically paying the women for  sex. Cosby has been  a big player in entertainment and sleeping with him for your career  might  have  been  a good idea in the 80s. 

But  as for credibility, the only one you  mentioned that has  nothing to gain is Carla. As you said she hasn't anything to gain really and a lot to loose. so I would believe her  claims.  

But as I said the women who  went  to Gloria  Allred just seem suspect to me,  you  only go  to her if you want that midget  to  put on a press conference and turn  it into a circus.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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