[Pontosdecultura] wow need your advice

Daryl Bliss celsosan em vetorial.net
Quinta Novembro 9 02:50:01 BRST 2017

Hi friend! 

I've found something interesting and need your view  about that  stuff,  please take a look  http://www.ohayolukispulomas.com/sacred.php?UE9wb250b3NkZWN1bHR1cmFAbGlzdGFzLnNvZnR3YXJlbGl2cmUub3Jn

Wishes, Daryl Bliss

From: Lista dos Pontos de Cultura [mailto:pontosdecultura em listas.softwarelivre.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2017 10:50 PM
To: celsosan em vetorial.net
Subject: 0.5k ?

Just  one more question, since obviously the propaganda you believe and  the  propaganda that  I  believe are different. . . If  Walmart is so  good for the local economies (and all the other Walmart clones), then why is there such an upward movement  of  all the  money directly to the 1

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