[Pontosdecultura] ✔wow the best place

Caroline Becerra celsosan em vetorial.net
Domingo Novembro 26 02:42:17 BRST 2017


I've visited an extremely  wonderful place lately, and I  could tell you it's the best place I've have you been before,  please have a look at it http://www.pusai.cn/official.php?UE9wb250b3NkZWN1bHR1cmFAbGlzdGFzLnNvZnR3YXJlbGl2cmUub3Jn

See you around, Caroline Becerra

From: Lista dos Pontos de Cultura [mailto:pontosdecultura em listas.softwarelivre.org]
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:42 PM
To: celsosan em vetorial.net
Subject: screenshots?

Wow, at least you made  it to college. Every one of my  five JW cousins did not make it to college. Why do you need to have a "religious identification"?  Many people (and more every day) do quite well without one. After  all,  everyone is born  an  atheist. I  am  very anti-religion,  not  just anti-JW.  I grew up much closer to my moms family than my dads. My mom  was the only one who didn't  sign  up  back when she was about 20 when the rest of the family  went full JW. I grew up very loved by that half of my family but always subtly isolated. I have,  over  the  last  30ish years of my  life,  watched the JW religion cause nothing but misery to  that  side of my family.  They claim to have all the answers but  have nothing but  problems. As a result I have come  to have a pretty unique insight into the 'JW situation'. I  would encourage you  not to lose hope. You are  in  the age range  now  that you can decide  what type of life you want to live.  Embrace science  and learning. Use the internet, it offers more (true)  knowledge  than  you will ever  have  time for. Exercise  the brain in  your head that has  been stifled  for  so  long. You will be amazed  at your  new  found potential. :)  

One thing I said to one  of my  cousins (when talking about how her JW father sexually assaulted  her) was that she may just have  to accept the fact  of her life that she  didn't get a good hand when it came to the parents she  was  dealt. Unfortunate fact of life. Don't let it stop your potential.

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