[Postfix-br] Fwd: ANNOUNCE: amavisd-new-2.9.1 has been released

Julio Cesar Covolato julio em psi.com.br
Sexta Junho 27 16:24:50 BRT 2014



     _    Engš Julio Cesar Covolato
    0v0   <julio at psi.com.br>
   /(_)\  F: 55-11-3129-3366
    ^ ^   PSI INTERNET

-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: 	ANNOUNCE: amavisd-new-2.9.1 has been released
Data: 	Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:15:57 +0200
De: 	Mark Martinec <Mark.Martinec+amavis at ijs.si>
Empresa: 	Jozef Stefan Institute
Para: 	amavis-users at amavis.org

The version 2.9.1 of amavisd-new has been released
and is available at:


Release notes are at:


This is a minor bug-fix release and provides a workaround
for a bug in perl 5.20.0.


There are no known incompatibilities between versions 2.9.0 and 2.9.1.


- when a $final_bad_header_destiny is set to D_BOUNCE and a mail
   message was a DSN or coming from a mailing list, spam checks were
   inappropriately skipped (logged as: "bypassing of spam checks,
   message will be blocked anyway", which was not true as the blocking
   was overruled at a later stage); reported by Bruce Pennypacker;

- perl 5.20.0 may occasionally report:
     "Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string)"
   due to a bug in perl [perl #122148].  Treat this error as non-fatal
   and only log a warning in two such cases: when SpamAssassin is called
   as a spawned subprocess ($sa_spawned=1) and is returning a result
   to a parent process, or when constructing a structured report.


- updated decoding of RAR archives to recognize a changed format in
   of 'unrar' utility version 5; based on a patch by

- avoid tempfailing a message if a redis server is down, just log the
   error and carry on;

- some minor logging changes to facilitate troubleshooting;


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