[Postfix-br] Need to understand the real differrences

Mario Jorge Lima mariolima em multisites.com.br
Segunda Maio 13 21:06:25 BRT 2019


I need someone to help me to understand, within 
"/etc/postfix/main.cf" file, the real differences between these 
elements below, and when should I use one or another:

1) The difference bettween:


2) And specifically within smtpd_recipient_restrictions, the 
differences between:

check_client_access hash
check_sender_access hash
check_recipient_access hash

Thank you very much.

Mario Lima./
Mario Jorge Lima
mariolima em multisites.com.br
OBS: Eventualmente nao acentuo algumas palavras do Portugues, para 
evitar bugs na recepcao dos emails.
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