[Programafisl] Richard Stallman - 2013-06-03 - Porto Alegre

Deivi Kuhn deivilk at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 12:04:18 BRT 2013

Conversei com o Stallman no ano passado e ele me pediu para falar por
mais tempo ou fazer duas palestras.

Minha sugestão é olharmos as palestras que ele está fazendo e sugerir
das duas palestras.

Sobre as respostas, eles sabem que não temos todas, mas já podemos
informar o que temos definido e deixamos para responder o resto mais
próximo do evento.


On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Mariel Zasso <mariel at softwarelivre.org> wrote:
> Sobre o email do Stallman, eu mesmo poderia redigir as respostas em inglês.
> Trata-se de definir coisas que ainda estão indefinidas.
> Acho que podemos escolher desde já em qual dia ele falará e também podemos
> aproveitar e sugerir o título da palestra, já que eles estão perguntando.
> Vai ser só uma palestra ou ele vai participar de alguma outra atividade?
> De todo modo, já respondi o que ela queria com mais urgência: o endereço da
> ASL para enviar material.
> Mariel Zasso
> Comunicação - ASL.Org
> Fone: 51 3228 0199 / 51 8124 0853
> --------------------------------------------------------
> 14º Fórum Internacional Software Livre - #fisl14
> 03 a 06 de julho de 2013 - Porto Alegre/RS
> Citando Thomas Soares <thomas.soares at softwarelivre.org>:
>> On 03/05/2013 12:16 PM, Mariel Zasso wrote:
>>> Pessoal,
>>> a assistente do Stalmann tá querendo saber vááárias coisas que ainda não
>>> estão claras, então eu acho que é uma boa oportunidade para o GT definir
>>> algumas delas.
>>> Já respondi dizendo que o Troian volta de férias na próxima semana e que
>>> se ela puder esperar, ele pode dar respostas mais completas do que eu.
>> Que tal se cada um aqui responder duas perguntas ?
>> Sei que a maioria aqui até prefere que el nem venha... Mas ele é um ícone
>> a ser respeitado. Pelo menos não é biba  ;-)
>>>> Hello, Rodrigo,
>>>> I am collecting information that Richard Stallman will need for his
>>>> visit
>>>> there. I realize you may not have all the details worked out yet. That
>>>> is
>>>> fine; simply reply with what you do know, and we can cover the remaining
>>>> issues later. Thank you for acknowledging receipt of this e-mail as soon
>>>> as you receive it.
>>>> Here is the information that I need about this visit:
>>>> * What is the title of the speech?
>> É o palestrante quem que determina isso...Não ?
>>>> * If there is not going to be a speech, thank you for letting me know
>>>> the
>>>> details of the activities.
>>>> * For each speech, what is the date, what time does it start, and what
>>>> time does it end?
>> Isso só fica definido com o fechamento da grade !!
>>>> * Will each speech be open to the public? If so, we would like to
>>>> advertise it on www.gnu.org. If the speech is open to attendees, and
>>>> registration at a conference is required to attend, we can list that
>>>> fact,
>>>> too. Please let us know if there is an e-mail address and/or phone
>>>> number
>>>> which we can include in the information we post publicly on the FSF Web
>>>> site events calendar.
>> É aberto.
>> Podem divulgar no gnu.org
>> Divulguem a página do fisl
>>>> * Would you like the FSF to handle registration?  If you would, we will
>>>> ask people who wish to attend to give their last name, unless you have
>>>> some other requirement.  Please let me know by which date and local time
>>>> you need to receive the registration list.
>> Nós cuidamos das inscrições !!
>> (Será que eles tem um SL para gerir eventos ?)
>>>> * If there is a poster you would like us to approve, please send it only
>>>> to me and not to Stallman, as receiving large files causes him lasting
>>>> inconvenience.
>> Não precisamos de aprovação deles.
>>>> * What is the precise location of each speech? Please include room
>>>> numbers
>>>> within buildings and basic directions. Also, provide a basic street
>>>> address, so that interested people in the local area may attend if the
>>>> speech is public.
>> Mapa de PoA de onde fica a PUC e mapa dos prédios 41 e 40.
>>>> * Please give the names of all sponsors of the event that will be
>>>> publicly
>>>> named as sponsors, if any.
>> Só quando se concluir a captação.
>> Mas certamente nenhum será da laia da M$, etc... Com talvez a exceção da
>> Oracle  ;-)
>>>> * Is Stallman?s appearance part of a larger event? If so, please mention
>>>> the type of event, date(s), and the event web site if it has one. If it
>>>> is
>>>> part of a speaker series, please give the name of the series.
>> O "evento maior" é o fisl !!!
>> A trilha em que ele vai ser encaixado depende do tema que ele escolher
>> tratar.
>>>> * How many people do you expect at the event? This number can be rough,
>>>> we
>>>> just want a general idea.
>> 5000 durante os 4 dias e mais 12000 IPs nos registros de acesso da TVSL.
>>>> * What kind of audience will be coming (i.e., what are their main
>>>> interests)? How much connection does the audience already have with GNU
>>>> software?
>> +/- 50% estudantes ? (Não lembro...)
>> Somos a Meca do SL, certamente mais de 80% sabem que existe algo designado
>> por SL !
>>>> * For each speech, what language would you like it to be given in?
>>>> Spanish or English?
>> Melhor Inglês. Se me lembro o espanhol dele é confuso.
>>>> * Stallman likes to give informational literature and small giveaway
>>>> items
>>>> to the audience. Please, provide a street address we can mail them to,
>>>> and
>>>> a phone number for that address. It is important that this address be
>>>> for
>>>> a place where someone will always be present during normal working hours
>>>> so the package can be delivered. If the ship-to address is a conference
>>>> venue, please confirm that there is no restriction on possible delivery
>>>> dates.
>> ASL.
>>>> * Is it ok to sell Free Software Foundation merchandise at the speech?
>> Poderia colocar em consignação na Loja. Mas vai ter que negociar isso com
>> eles...
>>>> * We like to have a display table set up outside of the speech (and, if
>>>> possible, at a booth at any larger event that is taking place there).
>>>> The
>>>> display will include our books and t-shirts that are available. Can we
>>>> ship items to someone who can set up such a display? (We would like to
>>>> do
>>>> this even if we cannot sell merchandise.)
>> Que tal eles terem um espaço na Mostra ?
>>>> * Sometimes event organizers print Richard Stallman's book Free Software
>>>> Free Society from a file we provide.  Would you be willing to do this?
>> Não.
>>>> * Stallman likes to have the full contact information for two people in
>>>> each place he visits. Could you please send me the names, addresses, and
>>>> phone numbers (home, work and other) for two suitable contact people?
>> Pode dar meus contatos em PoA.
>>>> * Where will Stallman be staying? We would like to know the address and
>>>> phone number, in case the FSF needs to mail him something or phone him
>>>> while he is there.
>> Hotel ou ele quer ficar na casa de alguém ?
>>>> * Do these accommodations have air conditioning? If not, what are the
>>>> highest typical night-time temperature and humidity there when Stallman
>>>> will be visiting?
>> De 05 a 20 graus em Julho em PoA.
>>>> * What is the phone number of a telephone that will be active all the
>>>> time
>>>> in the house or apartment?
>> Depende onde ele ficar !
>>>> * Stallman needs to transfer e-mail at least once a day to and from the
>>>> Internet. What arrangements will be available for this?
>> Depende onde ele vai ficar !
>> Mas até podemos emprestar um dos 3G da ASL para ele...
>>>> * Can these arrangements be used in the place he is staying?
>> Dá-se um jeito.
>>>> * If Stallman is to be staying in a hotel, what precisely are the
>>>> facilities there for connecting a laptop to the Internet? Does the guest
>>>> need to have his own ISP account in order to use the facilities?
>> BS. Atualmente todo o lado tem esse maldito WiFi cancerígeno...
>> Me admiro esse tipo não ter restrições quanto a RF !
>>>> * If the arrangements include phoning an ISP, have you found an ISP
>>>> account he can use? Also, have you verified that the phones where he is
>>>> staying have modern jacks so that they can be connected to a computer?
>>>> (Stallman has a set of adapters for various countries, but they only
>>>> handle the modern jacks.  RMS' computing equipment will have standard US
>>>> RJ-11 jacks.)
>> Eles pensam que aqui é o Aití !
>>>> * Will someone be meeting Stallman at the airport/train station? If so,
>>>> who will do it? If not, what should he do when he gets there? Do you
>>>> have
>>>> a phone which Stallman can answer whenever he is home, in case people
>>>> want
>>>> to phone him while he is there?
>> Ele, como os demais gringos, são todos buscados... Não ?!
>>>> * Are you responsible for buying any of Stallman's plane, train, or bus
>>>> tickets, or for arranging car transport?  If so, could you please let me
>>>> know for which portions of his trip (i.e., for itineraries from which
>>>> departure city to which arrival city)?
>> Isso é com a agência.  Não ?
> --------------------------------------
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Deivi Kuhn

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