[PSL-Brasil] Free and open source software takes precedence. By law! (acontecendo na Itália)

Ronaldo Lages * ASL.Org rclages em softwarelivre.org
Segunda Setembro 10 18:40:38 BRT 2012

Free and open source software takes precedence. By law!
 With the recent changes made ​​to Article 68 of the Codice
dell'amministrazione digitale* by Law134/2012 (approved by the Italian
Parliament on August 7, 2012), every Italian public administration isformally
obliged to choose open source software wherever possible.

Here is an English translation of the main part of the article:

Only when the comparative analysis of technical and economic aspects
demonstrates the impossibility to adopt open source solutions or any other
software solution already developed (at a lower price) within the public
administration system, the acquisition ofproprietary software products is

Before this modification has become effective (August 12, 2012), Italian
public administrations could select between 5 options:
a) develop a solution internally
b) reuse a solution developed internally
c) obtain a proprietary license of use
d) obtain an open source license
e) a combination of the above
Now the rule is that option c) above is not allowed anymore by default:
“free or open source software” is the new option c).

Some issues are still not so clear, for instance time and manner for the
implementation of this new principle (not a little point!). However it is a
very nice goal and a good start for a truly open e-government system.

** it is the most important Italian act about e-government*

A few links:
- the entire text of Art. 68 (comparing old and new
- an article by me about this topic [only in

Pubblicato da Simone Aliprandi <https://plus.google.com/117762320721243364054>
a 21:54<http://aliprandi.blogspot.it/2012/08/free-and-open-source-software-takes.html>

Invia tramite emai<http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=1841610586663520259&postID=944410541005328354&target=email>

Fonte: http://goo.gl/PPIrJ

Paz, Vida Longa e Prospere!

Ronaldo Cardozo Lages
Facebook/Skype: rclages  Twitter: @rclages
E-mails: rclages em softwarelivre.org
     ronaldo em lages.net (GTalk, MSN)
     rclages em solisc.org.br
Técnico em Telecomunicações (CREA-SC)
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
1999 Idealizador do FISL [http://www.fisl.org.br/]
2003 Fundador da ASL.Org [http://www.asl.org.br/]
2009 Organizador do SoLiSC [http://www.solisc.org.br/]
2010 Técnico em Telecomunicações [http://www.ifsc.edu.br]
2011 Coordenador de TI do Palácio Piratini [http://www.rs.gov.br]
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