[Roboticalivre] Fwd: A postagem de msimoes em uneb.br para a lista Roboticalivre requer aprovação

danilorcesar César danilorcesar em gmail.com
Segunda Julho 22 09:56:05 BRT 2013

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
From: "Marco Simões" <msimoes em uneb.br>
To: robotica-l em sbc.org.br
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:27:16 -0300
Subject: Fwd: IEEE LARS/LARC/ORE 2013 - Call for pre-registration of teams
Divulgando. Desculpem eventuais duplicatas.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dennis Barrios Aranibar <dbarrios em ucsp.edu.pe>
Date: 2013/7/19
Subject: IEEE LARS/LARC/ORE 2013 - Call for pre-registration of teams
To: Dennis Barrios Aranibar <dbarrios em ucsp.edu.pe>

LARS/LARC/ORE 2013 (http://ucsp.edu.pe/lars2013/)
Call for pre-registration of teams for competitions

Deadline: August 30

We invite all people interested in participating in Latin American Robotics
Competitions (LARC) and School Olympiads of Robotics (ORE) to pre-register
their teams at most until August 30. After this date we will proceed with
the official registration of the teams. We invite you to make your
pre-registration as soon as possible in order to anticipate logistics tasks.

The LARC are the largest robotics competitions at Latin America and include
the following categories: Standard IEEE Educational Kits (SEK), IEEE Open,
Very Small Soccer IEEE, IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing, RoboCup Small-Size
(F180), 2D RoboCup Simulation, RoboCup 3D Simulation, RoboCup Rescue
Simulation Agents, RoboCup Humanoid. You can do your pre-registration at
the following link:
http://ucsp.edu.pe/lars2013/?page_id=396&lang=es #. Uene1orRbIU
The ORE is the third edition of the School Olympiads of Robotics for
children, it is being organized by the Laboratory of Robotics and Computer
Vision (LARVIC) of the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP), these
competitions include three Olympic categories: Theoretical, Practical and
Duathlon. In the theoretical category, students will do a test via
Internet, in practice mode there are two sub-categories: the sumo category
and the open category (a robot to solve a problem in their city), in the
Duathlon mode, students will do a theoretical test via internet and best
placed of different regions of the country will be invited to attend a mini
course in Arequipa. The course will be free of cost and after that students
will participate in a competition. You can make your pre-registration on
the following link:
http://ucsp.edu.pe/lars2013/?page_id=368&lang=es #. UenfN4rRbIU
best regards



[image: Universidad Católica San Pablo]

*Dennis Barrios Aranibar*
Docente Tiempo Completo

Urb. Campiña Paisajista S/N Quinta Vivanco - Barrio de San Lázaro
+51 - 54 - 605630 anexo 373
Arequipa - Perú

   Toda la información contenida en este mensaje es confidencial y de uso
exclusivo de la Universidad Católica San Pablo, todo uso mal intencionado
de este correo está prohibido, el contenido solo debe ser conocido por la
persona a quien se dirige este mensaje. Si Ud. ha recibido este mensaje por
error por favor proceda a eliminarlo y notifique al remitente.

Marco Antonio Costa Simões
Nucleo de Arquitetura de Computadores e Sistemas Operacionais - ACSO -
Bahia Robotics Team - http://www.acso.uneb.br/brt
Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
Mestre em Ciência da Computação - UFPE
Doutorando em Ciência da Computação - UFBA

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Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:27:19 -0300
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