[Landell] SLTV on Arch

Luciana Fujii luciana at fujii.eti.br
Mon Aug 17 23:05:30 BRT 2015

On 17/08/15 22:56, Alfrex wrote:
> Luciana, Marcelo:
> Thanks, seem that due to package names variations (relative to
> dependencies) or python versions installed on Manjaro can't get run
> Landell.

The name of the package shouldn't matter. Landell won't check for
packages, but for .pc file if it needs it which should be the same in
all distributions, or it will try to use a library or an element and it
will fail if that is not installed. Maybe the problem is because your
distribution doesn't ship some software anymore, Landell master version
uses very old gstreamer which is unsuported.

You can try to 1.0 branch (I assume you're getting the source code from
github?), it's ported to a more recent version of GStreamer, it has some
issues, but it uses a supported version that is shipped by modern

> I'll keep on trying.
> Landell is a great software, I'll be attentive if the development goes
> on, maybe I can colaborate in something like testing. In México we're
> using Landell to stream workshops, events, etc.

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that. If you try the 1.0 branch and reports
bugs, that helps the development a bit.


Luciana Fujii

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