Doubts concerning ActionItem#1011

Ana Luísa Losnak analosnak at
Fri Aug 2 19:03:13 BRT 2013

Hi guys,

Daniel(UnB) and I are working on AI#1011 ( ) and, talking with
Terceiro, some questions appeared(Terceiro already mentioned some of them
on AI page) and we would like your help:

*- No reference to proprietary software (for example, Skype)*

*- If there's the "default language" field, should we change automatically
the user interface's language? If yes, do we have support for that? The
user could then choose from a couple of languages(the ones we translated)?*

*- What about the profile image? Should it always be optional and active?
What the field "image" on person fields represents?*
On person fields, there's a field called image, that is inactive even when
there is the option to upload a picture when editing profile. We didn't
understand what happens there.
Also, we think the image should always be active and optional.

*- How do we proceed to correct/add translations?*

@Daniel, did I miss something?

best regards,
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