Failing tests on noosfero stable branch

Bráulio Bhavamitra braulio at
Tue Aug 20 13:11:33 BRT 2013

Hello all,

I've enabled travis continous integration in the noosfero stable
branch (plus a Gemfile). For now, I couldn't enable noosfero's plugins
as there are errors I've previously reported.

There is quite a big number of failing tests... You can check the log at:

I intend to keep sending these logs here on the list, so noosfero's
test suite is kept consistent.

If wanted, nofication at can be added and confirmed to
noosfero-dev by the moderator so I emails be sent directly.

best regards,

"Lute pela sua ideologia. Seja um com sua ideologia. Viva pela sua
ideologia. Morra por sua ideologia" P.R. Sarkar

EITA - Educação, Informação e Tecnologias para Autogestão

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