Tests failing on sqlite

"Aurélio A. Heckert" aurelio at colivre.coop.br
Tue Jul 23 15:54:26 BRT 2013

What about the integratin server?
It will confirm that is working with postigres if the dev did it with 
sqlite. Right?

On 23-07-2013 12:04, Rodrigo Souto wrote:
> Aurium,
> I understand sqlite is easy, nice and convenient, but its convenience
> weakened our tests similarity with the real production environment. On
> 0.43.0 all of our tests are passing for sqlite but not for postgres
> because of this convenience. Problem is that we want our tests to be
> passing on postgres, not on sqlite (in fact on both would be better,
> but...) since that's the database which our production servers uses.
> Aurelio Heckert escreveu isso ai:
>> I understand that using postgres is better, but it pains on my chest


*Aurélio A. Heckert (aka Aurium)*
*COLIVRE --- Coop. de Tecnologias Livres*

*Inkscape* --- Desenhe Livremente
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