Bugs in AI 2882 (users management)

daniel tygel dtygel at eita.org.br
Tue Feb 11 18:49:15 BRST 2014

I'm sad,

    Again, it seems like the feature AI2882 was not tested by humans 
before releasing. The user management is not usable now, unfortunately.

    For example, if you filter by "admin users" (what does it mean? An 
user which is admin of what? a community? the environment? an 
enterprise? anyone? I'm assuming it's an user which administrates 
anything, because of the bug found): If you filter by "admin users", the 
users are not ordered by any meaningful way, and they are overly 
repeated. I saw my name 4 times in the first page, so I think it's 
getting repeated by each community or enterprise where I am administrator.

     All the best,


Em 11-02-2014 18:38, daniel tygel escreveu:
> Hi all,
> We have 0.46 in Cirandas, and found some bugs in AI 2882. They are 
> commented at
> First, I'd like to share that AI 2882 is a duplicate of AI2524: 
> http://noosfero.org/Development/ActionItem2524 (AI 2524 was to include 
> filters like all members of enterprises, etc)
> Well, I tested the AI2882 today in Cirandas, and there are several bugs:
> 1. The css styling is broken. It should be better handled to work in 
> different layouts
> 2. The default filter is "deactivated users", and it should be "all 
> users"
> 3. When you are with the filter "deactivated users" (what's that?), 
> and makes a search, you receive an "Technical error"
> As you can see in http://noosfero.org/Development/ActionItem2524 , we 
> are interested in other filters as well. We might do it or, if you 
> like them, it would be nice if you could add it.
> Thank you,
> daniel

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