noosfero | Document process for changing dependencies (#756)

Bráulio Bhavamitra gitlab at
Wed Jan 6 08:58:36 BRST 2016

New comment for Merge Request 756

Bráulio Bhavamitra

After years of resisting I must say I got used that Noosfero is a debian based software.

Although this is still causing harm to the project, fortunetely not as much as before as @terceiro is really helping by packaging new dependencies. But still causes a lot of harm to the code, for instance in the `newsletter` plugin we are embedding CSS inside models as we don't have a CSS inliner gem packaged for debian (like the `premailer` gem).

As there are many instances deployed on debian stable I would say it is not possible to change this now and on the foreseeable future.

The issue caused by @leandronunes' change on the Gemfile was minor in my opinion as we are in a major migration to rails 4 and to debian jessie.

The policy of changing the Gemfile was already implicit, so I agree to make it explicit on ``

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