[Postfix-br] Não recebe e-mails

Junior jr em urbi.net.br
Quarta Novembro 21 18:46:30 BRST 2012

Não, eu uso um link dedicado. Segue meu master.cf

# Postfix master process configuration file.  For details on the format
# of the file, see the Postfix master(5) manual page.
# ==========================================================================
# service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
#               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       100       smtpd
submission inet n      -       n       -       -       smtpd
#       -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
#       -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
#smtps    inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
#  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
#submission   inet    n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
#  -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
#  -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
#628      inet  n       -       n       -       -       qmqpd
pickup    fifo  n       -       n       60      1       pickup
cleanup   unix  n       -       n       -       0       cleanup
qmgr      fifo  n       -       n       300     1       qmgr
#qmgr     fifo  n       -       n       300     1       oqmgr
tlsmgr    unix  -       -       n       1000?   1       tlsmgr
rewrite   unix  -       -       n       -       -       trivial-rewrite
bounce    unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
defer     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
trace     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
verify    unix  -       -       n       -       1       verify
flush     unix  n       -       n       1000?   0       flush
proxymap  unix  -       -       n       -       -       proxymap
smtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
# When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops
relay     unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
        -o fallback_relay=
#       -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
showq     unix  n       -       n       -       -       showq
error     unix  -       -       n       -       -       error
discard   unix  -       -       n       -       -       discard
local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       local
virtual   unix  -       n       n       -       -       virtual
lmtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       lmtp
anvil     unix  -       -       n       -       1       anvil
scache    unix  -       -       n       -       1       scache
# ====================================================================
# Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
# pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
# Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery
# agent.  See the pipe(8) man page for information about ${recipient}
# and other message envelope options.
# ====================================================================
# maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
# Also specify in main.cf: maildrop_destination_recipient_limit=1
maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
# The Cyrus deliver program has changed incompatibly, multiple times.
old-cyrus unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=R user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -m ${extension}
# Cyrus 2.1.5 (Amos Gouaux)
# Also specify in main.cf: cyrus_destination_recipient_limit=1
cyrus     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -r ${sender} -m
${extension} ${user}
# See the Postfix UUCP_README file for configuration details.
uucp      unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail
# Other external delivery methods.
ifmail    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=Fq. user=foo argv=/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -f $sender $nexthop

######################## Amavisd-new #######################
smtp-amavis unix -      -       n       -       5  smtp
    -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
    -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
    -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
    -o max_use=20 inet n  -       n       -       -  smtpd
    -o content_filter=
    -o local_recipient_maps=
    -o relay_recipient_maps=
    -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
    -o smtpd_delay_reject=no
    -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
    -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
    -o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining
    -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
    -o mynetworks=
    -o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
    -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
    -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
    -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
    -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
    -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0

Em 21 de novembro de 2012 18:33, Esdras La-Roque
<esdras.laroque em gmail.com>escreveu:

> Você utiliza link de internet DSL para este servidor de e-mail ?
> Em 21 de novembro de 2012 17:21, Jeronimo <jscmenezes em gmail.com> escreveu:
>> Minha bola de cristal estragou!
>> Alguem pode ajudar ele?
>> Em 21 de novembro de 2012 18:20, Junior - Urbi telecom <
>> lopesnetgo em gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> Pessoal devido ao problema do bloqueio da porta 25 pelas operadoras, eu
>>> apenas ativei o submission(587) e passei para os meus clientes configurarem
>>> a porta 587 no smtp, nesse momento os e-mails são enviados tranquilos, numa
>>> boa, porem parei de receber e-mails. Quando digito o tail no maillog apenas
>>> mostra clientes Logando e deslogando, e as vezes enviando e-mails, porem
>>> não recebe, fiz testes do reverso, o DNS esta normal, tambem fiz testes
>>> externos via telnet na porta 110 e deu normal "+OK Hello there." porem não
>>> recebe. Tentei voltar as configurações anteriores, e tambem não recebe.
>>> Podem me da uma dica?
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> --
> *Esdras La-Roque*
> Analista e Desenvolvedor de Sistemas
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> Postfix-br mailing list
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*Junior - Analista de Redes

Urbi Telecom*
*A sua melhor opção em internet banda larga.*
*(62) 39203054
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