[Roboticalivre] LARC / CBR 2014: 1st Call for Participation

Marco Simões msimoes em uneb.br
Terça Abril 15 13:45:25 BRT 2014

 Sorry for any duplication .
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São Carlos - SP - Brazil , October, 18 to 22  2014.

The Teams Pre - Registration is open for the LARC / CBR 2014 via the
website : http://www.cbrobotica.org

The LARC/CBR is the premier continental scientific competition in the field
of autonomous robotics . The event is composed of the IEEE Latin American
and Brazilian Robots Competition and the Latin American and Brazilian
RoboCup  Open.

LARC / CBR gets together in the same event researchers , graduate students
, masters and doctorate degrees from several Latin American and foreigners
Universities and Research Institutes. There are also  competitions for
students in primary and secondary education in the categories of RoboCup
Junior and finals of Brazilian Robotics Olympiad 2014. LARC / CBR presents
several challenges for autonomous robots fostering the development and
production of new knowledge in the area of ​​Intelligent Autonomous
Robotics in the Latin America.

The CBR  is performed in Brazil since 2003.  LARC was hosted in Brazil in
2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012. The event is supported by the SBA and SBC
and usually happen in conjunction with major symposium organized by these
societies. This year LARC/CBR will be held in São Carlos-SP, Brazil.

LARC/CBR 2014 brings many challenges for autonomous robotics :* robotic
soccer , rescue of victims , service domestic robots , logistics ,
Simulation*. The challenges may be known with more details in the
Categories<http://www.cbrobotica.org/?page_id=2>section of the site.
Any doubts about Categories specific rules and
conditions should be cleared by the Category coordinator whose contact is
shown in each Category page in the site.

Teams will normally be formed by graduate or undergraduate students and
researchers from various fields such as *Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering , Mechatronics , Automation and Control , Computer Engineering
, Computer Science and Information Systems* . Competitors have the
opportunity to develop complete solutions and validate them in a practical
way in areas such as *Control , Artificial Intelligence , Multiagent
Systems , Sensing, Human -Robot Interface , Object and People Recognition ,
etc*. .

To enroll in LARC/CBR 2014 a team must proceed with Team Pre-Registratiion
up to July 30th.
One category will only be guaranteed if at least *THREE* teams are
pre-registered in the competition.

*Participation Requirements*

The following requirements are *mandatory *for  team participation:


   The registered teams must represent an educational institution .

   An institution can be represented by several teams.

   The registration of different teams of the same institution in the same
   category are allowed only if the teams are composed by different students,
   robots and strategies.

   The team must be pre-registered before July 30th

   Every team must submit a TDP (see

*Important Dates*:

*Teams Pre-Registration*

* :               July 30th, 2014TDP Submission :
August 15th, 2014Early Registration (reduced price) : August 29th,
2014Registration:                                 September 19th, 2014Teams
Warm-up:                           October 18-19 2014**Competitions:
October 19-22 2014*

Any doubts should be cleared with the organization at
organizacao em cbrobotica.org

We request full disclosure in your institutions .

Best Regards,

LARC / CBR 2014 Organization

Marco Antonio Costa Simões
Nucleo de Arquitetura de Computadores e Sistemas Operacionais - ACSO -
Bahia Robotics Team - http://www.acso.uneb.br/brt
Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
Mestre em Ciência da Computação - UFPE
Doutorando em Ciência da Computação - UFBA
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