Integrate noosfero with etherpad-lite

Daniel Tygel dtygel at
Thu Aug 29 20:01:08 BRT 2013

Hi all,

     We already have developped a possible merge request for noosfero, 
which includes the etherpadlite-embed plugin for Tinymce 

     This plugin doesn't install an etherpad-lite server, but only 
allows for a user to simply embed the pad in a normal article in 
noosfero clicking in a button in tinymce. You can see it in action here: (look at the 
second and third meetings of SSE enterprises of Cirandas: they're pads!).

      The Action Item is: 
(there you'll see two screenshots showing the plugin in action).

      We would like to send a merge-request to Noosfero for version 0.45 
. Anyone against it? The code is here:

      Please feel free to test it and make your contributions.

      Thank you,

PS: In the future, when etherpad-lite achieves the capacity to also 
serve audio and video communication, we'll have this naturally working 
in noosfero with this plugin!

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